Digital Innovation in Hospitality: Bridging the Gap between Concierge Services and Hotel Guests

  • Norbert FORMAN Budapest Business University, Budapest, Hungary
  • József UDVAROS Budapest Business University, Budapest, Hungary


This study has a primary objective of investigating the existing gap that exists between guest interactions and hotel concierge services, with an emphasis on exploring potential solutions through software technology. To attain this goal, twenty in-depth interviews were conducted; eight conversations involved hotel concierges while twelve exchanges entailed interactions with guests.  In conducting these interviews, the research aimed to gain extensive knowledge regarding challenges faced by both parties throughout their communication processes. Each interview was critically analysed to systematically identify specific issues suitable for resolution via software applications.

The classification of concierge services facilitated the proposal of technology-based enhancements, which underwent testing by a focus group comprising both guests and concierges. The main objective of this study was to meticulously assess the proposed improvements in terms of their effectiveness in bridging gaps between these two groups. According to research results, there is a direct link between employing suggested software solutions and decreasing interaction discrepancies; implying that strategic usage can considerably boost hotel hospitality through better communication and comprehension among staff members and guests alike.

The research suggests a wider implementation of technological resources in the hospitality industry as they can enhance guest experience and increase concierge efficiency. Further investigation could examine how effective these software solutions are across varying hotel environments and evaluate their lasting effects on customer contentment and hotel profits.


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How to Cite
FORMAN, Norbert; UDVAROS, József. Digital Innovation in Hospitality: Bridging the Gap between Concierge Services and Hotel Guests. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 6, p. 2673 - 2684, sep. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 dec. 2024. doi: