The Linkage between Modern HR Management and Activities to Improve Performance in Tourism Development Trends in the Republic of Kosovo


The intention of this research is to expand process leaders' contributions leveraging modern human resources procedures and practices for the advancement of the performance of tourist enterprises in the field of Kosovar tourism. Determining and measuring the variables with the greatest impact and those with the least impact is one of the determinants of the level of staff performance in the tourism sector. The results show that relationships in the coordination of management actions have a favorable impact on raising the bar for work outcomes and accomplishments as well as the growth of these human resources in Kosovar businesses. Human resources from Kosovar tourism enterprises should be considered a strategic development partner. As a result of the implementation of the methods and processes of the development of the successful global employee, the satisfaction of visitors and tourists with the products and services offered is also confirmed. This scientific research will serve as a good scientific reference base for tourism enterprises, the managers of these enterprises as well as the levels of policy-making at both the central and regional, that the recognition of influencing factors and the implementation of contemporary management methods, yet, forcefully encourages the productivity and advancement of staff.



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How to Cite
SEJFIJAJ, Osman; SHEHU, Ermira. The Linkage between Modern HR Management and Activities to Improve Performance in Tourism Development Trends in the Republic of Kosovo. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 6, p. 2586-2595, sep. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025. doi: