The Practice of Tourism Product Endorsement: Perspective of Islamic Business Ethics in Social-Media


The rapid development of technology and information has caused the use of the Internet to be higher. One of the widely used digital business marketing activities is social media endorsements which are currently being used to inform products to consumers through Tiktok and Instagram social media. However, some endorsers are dishonest in providing consumer product reviews in endorsement activities. Thus, in its application, endorsement practices still do not follow the principles of advertising promotion according to Islamic business ethics. For this reason, this paper aims to discuss the practice of endorsement on social media TikTok and Instagram from the perspective of Islamic business ethics by Muslim endorsers. The research method applied for qualitative with a depth-interviews. The results showed that first, endorsement business ethics in Islam is that the endorsed product must be responsible, honest, and authentic; the endorsers must be friendly and polite; the endorser must cover the aurat (body parts covered), not praise excessively, do not use swear, be transparent, and do not demonize other products. Second, regarding the practice of endorsement on social media, Tiktok and Instagram, from the perspective of Islamic business ethics, have found several ethics that are violated when endorsers promote products to consumers.


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How to Cite
DARMAWATI, Darmawati; BASRI, Hasan. The Practice of Tourism Product Endorsement: Perspective of Islamic Business Ethics in Social-Media. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 6, p. 2520 - 2530, sep. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 sep. 2024. doi: