Developing Nature Interpretation and Alternative Management Strategies to Promote Pro-Environmental Behaviors among Visitors to Thailand's National Parks
The purpose of this study was to recommend nature interpretation and alternative management strategies to enhance pro-environmental behaviors among visitors by studying the factors that influence these behaviors. The samples were 1400 Thai visitors and 20 national park officers. Questionnaire data was analyzed using path analysis and content analysis. Taking into account research findings, the 11 of interpretive messages were created to promote the behaviors in national parks across the country. The message that is deemed most appropriate for encouraging visitor behaviors was: "A national park is a treasure for everyone, and it is important that we all do our part to protect it. If you see any activities that have the potential to destroy natural resources or harm the environment, please inform the park officers immediately." Besides, developing effective nature interpretation and preparing public facilities have been recommended as major alternative management strategies. The most appropriate high-level strategy for developing effective nature interpretation was found to be "utilizing new technologies to support nature interpretation." The survey respondents identified "setting up different colored garbage bins" and "installing fences to preserve fragile areas" as the most effective strategies for preparing public facilities and managing visitor behaviors in Thailand's national parks.
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