Climate Change Impacts and Environmental and Water use Behaviors, Beliefs and Perceptions

  • Ismail BANOO Department of Public Management and Economics, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
  • Nirmala DORASAMY Department of Public Management and Economics, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
  • Faizal BUX Department of Public Management and Economics, Durban University of Technology, South Africa


This paper presents research conducted on urban home water use behavior as a response demand mitigation strategy to reduce domestic water consumption in SA. The paper presents results of urban home residents’ attitudes, behavior and perceptions towards their water consumption in a search for ways in which domestic demand for water may be substantially reduced. The analysis reflects the water use behavior and perceptions of urban dwellers in a period where water use rationing and restrictions are in place in parts of SA, therefore water scarcity is an important public crisis issue.

The research has brought to the fore the complexity of the forces shaping water demand and use in the context of the socio-demographic composition of homes residing in different types of dwellings, as well as the cultural, behavioral and attitudinal aspects of water consumption in city of Durban. The essential questions driving the research was what extent the two key dimensions of urban structure do, i.e. built form and the socio-behavioral characteristics of home water use, influence the pattern of water consumption. Additionally, the study ascertained the extent to which urban water users understood water-saving practices and the need to conserve this precious natural resource whilst also investigating the extent that the public believed were the most effective water-saving habits, interventions and communication methods to support reduced water consumption at a home level. In so doing, the study findings have aimed to inform public policy on ways to reduce consumption and identify alternative and complimentary ways to address the urban water conservation and demand management planning.


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How to Cite
BANOO, Ismail; DORASAMY, Nirmala; BUX, Faizal. Climate Change Impacts and Environmental and Water use Behaviors, Beliefs and Perceptions. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 225 - 235, mar. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 mar. 2025. doi: