The Role of the Environment Committees in the Nineteenth Parliament for the Year 2020 in Studying Matters Related to Environmental Affairs in Jordan

  • Tareq AL-BILLEH Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Hamzeh ABU ISSA Applied Science Private University, Jordan


The study deals with the role of environmental committees in the Nineteenth Parliament for 2020 in studying matters related to environmental affairs in Jordan; It highlighted the role of the Environment Committee in both houses of parliament in discussing the challenges of the environmental sector and the role of the Environment Committee in examining environmental issues; so that the problem of the study lies in the extent to which the Environment Committee has been given specialties in studying the problem of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, and discussing environmental and tourism realities and the study has concluded several findings and recommendations; The most important of these is the need to expand the terms of reference of the environment committees in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, increase their role in discussing environmental laws, and increase their participation in global environmental conferences and workshops; Call for a regular meeting of the environment committees in parliament with representatives of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Tourism to discuss the environmental and tourism conditions and develop the necessary plans to preserve the environment and prevent direct attacks on nature reserves and other findings and recommendations listed at the end of this study.



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How to Cite
AL-BILLEH, Tareq; ABU ISSA, Hamzeh. The Role of the Environment Committees in the Nineteenth Parliament for the Year 2020 in Studying Matters Related to Environmental Affairs in Jordan. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 168 - 175, mar. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: