Urban Ecosystem Network. Standardization’s Effects upon Development of Green Open Spaces in the Arosuka River Flow Area
This study examines the impact of standardized supervision on green space development in the Arosuka river flow basin. Whoever manages the Solok Regency government's park is accountable for meeting the community's oxygen demands. This mixed-method study analyzes respondents' impressions of questionnaires. 64 employees of Solok Regency's Field of Parks and City Decoration participated in the study. Statistical analysis confirms the study's research hypothesis. Supervision can affect green city development by 59.84%, and the two have a favorable association. This associative quantitative study measures respondents' impressions of questionnaires. 64 gardening and decorating division employees participated in the study. Statistical analysis confirms the study's research hypothesis. Where supervisory standardization on green open areas by 99.4% has a good link.
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