The Extent of Constitutionalizing the Environmental Rights as One of the Anchors to Keep a Healthy, Clean Environment: A Difficult Balance between the International Agreements and the Jordanian Constitution’s Restrictions

  • Ali AL-HAMMOURI Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Tareq AL-BILLEH Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Abdullah ALKHSEILAT Applied Science Private University, Jordan


This study analyzes the extent to which the environmental rights are constitutionalized as one of the anchors to maintain a healthy and clean environment through referring to the international agreements and the Jordanian constitution. This research aims at showing the international frame of the environmental rights, and the environmental rights in the Jordanian constitution. This study followed the analytical approach, analyzing the texts of the international agreements that organizes the environmental rights, also analyzing the extent to which these rules agree with the constitutional principles agreed upon regarding the right of a clean and healthy environment. This study concluded many results and recommendations, most importantly; the need of shedding light over the Jordanians’ right in a healthy environment, enabling its censorship tools adding real protection for the human right in a healthy environment. Dedicating the special procedure rights of protecting the environment to let the audience participation and civil community institutions participate in development decision making through evaluating the environmental effort by providing environmental information about the size of damage caused by the developmental projects, the preventative principal in protecting the environment and the right to have administrative, environmental and legal justice. Putting principals and basis for the national environmental legislations in the Jordanian institution.



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How to Cite
AL-HAMMOURI, Ali; AL-BILLEH, Tareq; ALKHSEILAT, Abdullah. The Extent of Constitutionalizing the Environmental Rights as One of the Anchors to Keep a Healthy, Clean Environment: A Difficult Balance between the International Agreements and the Jordanian Constitution’s Restrictions. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 89 - 97, mar. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 mar. 2025. doi: