Impact of State and Legal Regulation on the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Territories and Improving the Standard of Living of the Population

  • Pavel Alexandrovich KALASHNIKOV Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy, Limited Liability Company, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Arslan KULANOV Turan University, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Erkin Nesipbekovich NESIPBEKOV Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Assel KAISHATAYEVA Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Shyryn M. KANTARBAYEVA Narxoz University, Republic of Kazakhstan


The presented study assesses the impact of state regulation on the processes of sustainable development of rural areas in the EAEU countries. Sustainable rural development today is one of the strategic tasks of the state related to ensuring its economic, environmental, and food security. The authors aim to identify the opportunities for sustainable development of rural areas in the EAEU countries in comparison with international trends. The paper analyzes the main theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to assessing the sustainability of rural development developed by researchers. The authors review the legislation regulating the processes of sustainable rural development. They consider examples of world experience in the application of state regulation measures to ensure sustainable development of rural areas. The main principles on which the management of sustainable rural development is based, according to the authors, are consistency, an integrated approach, strategic planning, and inclusiveness. It is concluded that it is the state that is the main interest and actor in ensuring sustainable rural development. The lines of action for the improvement of state regulation of rural areas' for EAEU countries’ sustainable development are proposed. According to the authors, in order to ensure the sustainable development of rural areas, the support program should be focused on small producers, private households, and farmers.



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How to Cite
KALASHNIKOV, Pavel Alexandrovich et al. Impact of State and Legal Regulation on the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Territories and Improving the Standard of Living of the Population. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 82 - 88, mar. 2023. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: