Study of the Current State, Problems and Potential of the Waste Management System Affecting the Development of the Green Economy of Kazakhstan
The article explores the main factors hindering the solution of environmental problems with waste in Kazakhstan, in particular with industrial waste and consumer waste. The paper assesses the main directions of the world practice of waste management and the possibility of their application in the development of the domestic system. An analysis of the management of industrial waste and consumer waste in the industrial Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan was carried out. An analysis of the presence and formation of production and consumption waste shows that the region is in the zone of influence of accumulated waste. The predominantly resource-raw material system of nature management, without taking into account natural conditions and environmental restrictions when locating industrial enterprises, led to the formation of zones and regions of increased anthropogenic impacts. The article shows that at the initial stage of development of the green growth strategy in Kazakhstan, there should be an economic policy, fixed by regulatory legal acts, especially on the issues of production and consumption waste management. Such a policy should take into account that a successful transition to green growth and minimizing the environmental impact of production and consumption wastes will require more efficient use of them as secondary resources. In turn, this will be the basis for the involvement of waste in the sphere of market relations and the attractiveness of this area for domestic and foreign investors.
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