The Extent of Considering Environmental Crimes as a Manifestation of Economic Crimes
The damage caused by environmental crimes may be hidden, but it greatly impacts life. Environmental violations are increasing in light of the great impotence that may characterize the legal systems to confront such crimes. At the international level, the legislation also has little effect because of the continued expansion of the circle of environmental crimes. On the other hand, economic crimes face great interference from the concerned authorities. If we look at these crimes, we find that environmental crimes are more dangerous, not less or perhaps more than them, which opened the door to the question of the possibility of considering environmental crimes within the range of economic crimes to obtain the quality of strict legal procedures applied in the framework of environmental crimes, this is in order to achieve an effective response to environmental crimes. The study explained and treated it by achieving legislative and legal approaches between environmental and economic crimes. The study concluded that environmental offences should be prosecuted similarly to economic offences, just as economic crimes attracted the legislator's attention to developing legislation compatible with the seriousness of environmental crimes.
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