The Use of Garden Plants - A Form of Balinese Local Wisdom in the Conservation
Plants grown in the yard of a private home create a comfortable atmosphere and maintain human relations with the environment. Yard plants are often used for decoration, protection, ceremonies, fruits, vegetables, spices and medicine (family medicinal plants). Utilization of garden plants is is a form of Balinese local wisdom in the conservation of a plant called Tri Hita Karana. This research, therefore, examines the use of homestead plants in Banjar Angga Sari, Bukit, Jimbaran, Badung, Bali, Indonesia. Giving attention to local Balinese culture, the study examines locations that have been converted from fields to housing. Interviews and field observations were used to collect data. In Banjar Angga Sari, yard plants are grown for the following purposes, which are presented with their corresponding utility values: ornamental (16%), protection (14%), fruit (13%), ceremonies (12%), vegetables (10%), medicine (8%), anti-pollution (7%), spices (6%), anti-mosquitoes (5%) and animal feed (4%).
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