Criminal Responsibility for the Crime of Discharging Polluting Substances for Water Sources in Jordanian Legislation

  • Majd ALMANASRA Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Abdullah ALKHSEILAT Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Tareq AL-BILLEH Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Naji ALWERIKAT Police Institute, Ministry of the Interior, Qatar
  • Ahmad Hussein ALSHARQAWI Applied Science Private University, Jordan


This research seeks to clarify the conditions of Criminal Responsibility for the Crime of Discharging Polluting Substances for Water Sources, as the research's dilemma is the lack of effective penal provisions that prevent the offender from committing the crime of discharging polluting substances for water sources. Several conclusions and recommendations have been reached as a consequence of this research, the most important of which is the need for Jordan's criminal legislator to establish deterrent legal provisions that lead to not committing the crime of discharging polluting substances for water sources so that as countries around the world strive to preserve the territorial waters from any environmental pollution, these countries imposed a penalty on those who pollute the regional waters in any way.



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How to Cite
ALMANASRA, Majd et al. Criminal Responsibility for the Crime of Discharging Polluting Substances for Water Sources in Jordanian Legislation. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 7, p. 1948 - 1954, dec. 2022. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: