Criminalization of the Transmission of the Coronavirus COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Right to a Healthy Environment

  • Noor AL-KHAWAJAH Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Abdullah ALKHSEILAT Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Tareq AL-BILLEH Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Majd MANASRA Applied Science Private University, Jordan
  • Naji ALWERIKAT Police Institute, Ministry of Interior, Qatar


Murder usually causes death. Unconventional kinds of attacks on human life include the propagation of Coronavirus illness (COVID-19). According to the World Health Organization and medical specialists, COVID-19 is a lethal virus and a poisonous chemical, making its transmission a murderous act. Therefore, it is possible to have several criminal forms related to the transmission of COVID-19 to others. These forms vary according to the consequences resulting from the transmission of COVID-19, so the consequences may be death, which is expected due to this virus; if the victim cannot resist it, the consequences may most often cause harm to others. In addition, these criminal forms vary based on whether the mental element is purposeful or involuntary.



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How to Cite
AL-KHAWAJAH, Noor et al. Criminalization of the Transmission of the Coronavirus COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Right to a Healthy Environment. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 7, p. 1881 - 1887, dec. 2022. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: