Comparative Bibliometric Analysis of the Concepts of “Ecotourism” and “Agrotourism” in the Context of Sustainable Development Economy
Discussions on such concepts as rural tourism, ecotourism, agrotourism, green tourism, and farm tourism are still ongoing among tourism professionals. The article aims to outline trends and priorities in the study of the definitions of “ecotourism” and “agrotourism” in the context of sustainable development economy, to identify commonalities and differences, to identify journals and researchers engaged in research in this area. In the course of work on the article, the latest research and publications of scientists in the field of ecotourism and agrotourism were analyzed according to the Scopus Elsevier database and the Web of Science Core Collection in the period 2005-2020. On the subject of agrotourism, which indicates the greater prevalence and use of the first term. The content analysis by countries made it possible to establish that the use of the term ecotourism is typical of the Anglo-American world (United States, Australia, United Kingdom), while the term agrotourism is used mainly in Eastern Europe (Romania, Poland, Czech Republic). If we compare the concepts of ecotourism and agrotourism by keywords, it is determined that both have in common the study of tourism in sustainable development, models of interaction with the environment, prospects for rural tourism and other related topics. As a result, it can be concluded that the study of issues and problems in the field of ecotourism and agrotourism in the context of sustainable development economy are extremely popular and relevant in the scientific literature.
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