Villages’ Revitalization Supports a Sustainable Agritourism in Albania

  • Anila SULAJ Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
  • Arben TËRPOLLARI Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
  • Brunilda KONDI University of Tirana, Albania


Our study assesses the socio-economic impact of villages’ revitalization on the sustainable agritourism in Albania. From the data obtained from the interviews conducted, that the development of agritourism remains a good opportunity for the development of this sector and the promotion of entrepreneurship in rural areas. Analysis of questionnaire data on the impact of the project “100 villages” undertaken by the Government of Albania shows the impact of villages’ revitalization on supporting sustainable agritourism by increasing visitor interest, empowering entrepreneurship in rural tourism, mainly on agritourism farms through revitalization of economic activities such as agro-processing, production of traditional food and gastronomy. Revitalization of cultural heritage, objects and historical sites in villages as well as restoration of objects and archeological centers create premises for agro-tourism attractions.


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How to Cite
SULAJ, Anila; TËRPOLLARI, Arben; KONDI, Brunilda. Villages’ Revitalization Supports a Sustainable Agritourism in Albania. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 546-560, mar. 2022. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi: