The Cerro Azul Fisherman's Wharf, Peru: Revaluation and Tourism Promotion

  • Kerby Gilberto WONG ORMEÑO National University of Cañete, Peru
  • Nestor CUBA CARBAJAL National University of Cañete, Peru
  • Manuel Enrique CHENET ZUTA National Autonomous High Andean University of Tarma, Peru
  • Enaidy REYNOSA NAVARRO Enaidy REYNOSA NAVARRO Cesar Vallejo University, Peru
  • Judith Soledad YANGALI VICENTE National University of Cañete Norbert Wiener Private University, Peru


The Cerro Azul sinners dock, located in the Cerro Azul district, Cañete province in Lima, Peru, is a historical resource that is currently not valued. The objective of this study was to establish the potential relationship between the tourist appreciation of the fishing pier and the tourist promotion in the Cerro Azul-Cañete district. The research was of a non-experimental design, correlational descriptive level, with a quantitative approach. The questionnaire was applied as a data collection instrument. The sample consisted of 800 inhabitants of the Cerro Azul district, Cañete province in Lima, Peru. The results confirm the existence of a significant moderate correlation between the revaluation of the fishing pier and tourism promotion; accepting the alternative hypothesis, therefore, the reassessment of the resource with adequate tourist promotion would increase the tourist influx and the social, economic, and environmental development of the place.


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How to Cite
WONG ORMEÑO, Kerby Gilberto et al. The Cerro Azul Fisherman's Wharf, Peru: Revaluation and Tourism Promotion. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 8, p. 2031-2037, dec. 2021. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.