Environmental Project Management in the Hospitality Industry in Russia
The authors analyzed the experience of implementing environmental projects by Russian hotels, economic and environmental factors that affect the implementation of projects, and formulated recommendations to encourage the introduction of "green" technologies and environmental standards, considering the regional characteristics of the Russian hospitality market.
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[2] Dedusenko, E.A. 2017. Hospitality investment environment in Russia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(18): 291-300. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v8.2(18).02
[3] Dmitriev, A.N., Vladimirova, I.L., Kallaur, G.Y. and Tsygankova, A.A. 2019. Approaches to classifying building innovations while implementing information modeling and project management. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 12(2): 143-151.
[4] Dzhandzhugazova E.A., et al. 2018. Ecotourism Programs in the Context of the Perception of Natural and Cultural Landscapes (On the Example of the Kizhi Museum Reserve). Ekoloji, 27, 106: 377-382.
[5] Gurnovich, T. G., Petrov, N. R. and Ulyanov, A.V. 2019. World trends and prospects of organic products market development in Russia. "Vector of economy", 10. Available at: http://www.vectoreconomy.ru (in Russian).
[6] Ilina, E.L., Miloradov, K.A. and Kovaltchuk, A.P. 2019. Green Hotel: Concepts and Implementation. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(34): 300-306. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v10.2(34).03
[7] Information and legal portal "Garant" Available at: https://base.garant.ru/71515458/
[8] Konovalova E.E., et al. 2018. Forming approaches to strategic management and development of the tourism and hospitality industry in the regions. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(26): 241-247. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.v9.2(26).03
[9] Lepeshkin V.A., et al. 2017. Business activity in the field of tour operator services in Russia and development of the national tourism. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(8): 53-70.
[10] Mira, M. R. C., Moura, A.F.A. and Mónico, L.D.S. 2018. A New Measure of the Quality of Tourism Product. Journal of Tourism and Services, 9(17). DOI: https://doi.org/10.29036/jots.v9i17.54
[11] Nikitina, D. V. 2019. The Problem of strategic management of sustainable development in a modern enterprise. Trends in the development of science and education, 51(5): 50-52.
[12] Nikolskaya E.Y., et al. 2019. Improvement of digital technology in the tourism sector. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 6 (38): 1197-1201. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v10.6(38).01
[13] Nikolskaya, E.Yu., Pasko O.V. and Kovaleva, N.I. 2020. Ecological certification of hotel business enterprises: programs and technologies. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(S4): 936-941. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP4/20201564
[14] Nikolskaya E.Yu., et al. 2018. Innovative quality improvements in hotel services. European Research Studies Journal, 21(2): 489-498. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35808/ersj/1017
[15] Porfiriev, B. N. 2019. Paradigm of low-carbon development and strategy for reducing the risks of climate change for the economy. Problems of forecasting, 2 (173): 3-13.
[16] Potravny, I. M., Yashalova, N. N., Gassiy, V. V. and Chavez F. K. Y. 2019. Project approach in the management of environmentally oriented development of the region's economy. Economy of Region, 15(3): 806-821. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17059/2019-3-14
[17] Potravny, I. M. and Zoidov, K. Kh. 2012. Modeling of ecological and economic processes based on the application of functions of negative impact on the environment. Ecology. Economy. Computer science. Proceedings of the XL conference "Mathematical modeling in problems of rational nature management". Rostov-on-don: southern Federal University Publishing house, Pp. 424-429.
[18] Skobkin S.S., Kovaltchuk A.P., Belavina Y.A. and Kalita G.V. 2017. The Development of a Business-Processes Model for the Quality Management System in the Hotels. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 4(20): 775-783. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v8.4(20).07
[19] Srovnalíková, P., Semionovaitė, E., Baranskaitė, E. and Labanauskaitė, D. 2020. Evaluation of the Impact of Sharing Economy on Hotel Business. Journal of Tourism and Services, 20(11): 150–169. DOI:https://doi.org/10.29036/jots.v11i20.145.
How to Cite
KOVALTCHUK, Andrey et al.
Environmental Project Management in the Hospitality Industry in Russia.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 7, p. 2019 - 2025, dec. 2021.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/6594>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v12.7(55).26.
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