Towards Sustainable Development of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, Central Lombok, Indonesia: Analysis of Actors

  • Lalu SURYADE Tropical Ocean Economics Program IPB University, Indonesia
  • Akhmad FAUZI Resource and Environmental Economics Department IPB University, Indonesia
  • Noer Azam ACHSANI School of Business IPB University, Indonesia
  • Eva ANGGRAINI Resource and Environmental Economics Department IPB University, Indonesia


Mandalika is one of fifteen special economic zones (SEZs) in Indonesia. Since established as an SEZ in 2014, it has been a new magnet of the tourism industry in Indonesia shaping the dynamic of tourism development in this region due to high dependent among involved actors. This research aims at analyzing actors and their roles in responding to the sustainable development of this Tourism Special Economic Zone (TSEZ) in Central Lombok – Indonesia. MACTOR was used in analyzing actors in responding to the development of the SEZ. The results indicate nineteen actors and eight development-objectives covering economic, social and environment dimensions. Thirteen actors denote high position simultaneously. Headmen of villages play a central role among those high-position actors. A collaboration (convergence) among actors exhibits four actors with higher mobility such as ITDC, Tourism Office of Central Lombok, Tourism Office of West Nusa Tenggara, and Religious Leaders. Objectives, then, that ought to be prioritized in developing the Mandalika Tourism SEZ in the future, are consisted of escalating investment, initiating village tourism, and developing ecotourism. Furthermore, this SEZ also should be paid in attention on elevating the local human resources, boosting the community income, and lifting up the locally-generated revenue as well as conserving the environment.


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How to Cite
SURYADE, Lalu et al. Towards Sustainable Development of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, Central Lombok, Indonesia: Analysis of Actors. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, p. 1729-1740, sep. 2021. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi: