Measuring the Impact of Hanoian Food Image on Place Attachment

  • Minh TU Daegu University, Republic of Korea
  • Soo-Han PARK Sejong University, Republic of Korea
  • Kwang-Woo LEE Daegu University, Republic of Korea


Food can be considered as a destination attraction that enhances the visitors’ experience. Through the process of eating local cuisine, tourists taste local delicacies that can satisfy their physiological functions and thereby learn about local cultures and knowledge and gain a sense of local identification. There were little studies on visitors’ perceptions of Hanoian food. This study examines the relationships between Hanoian food image attributes with two dimensions of place attachment: place identity and place dependence, and the influence of these dimensions on tourist satisfaction. The results suggest that valuable implication to the government of Vietnam and marketers in Hanoi with important insights regarding food image and place attachment to satisfy tourists.


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How to Cite
TU, Minh; PARK, Soo-Han; LEE, Kwang-Woo. Measuring the Impact of Hanoian Food Image on Place Attachment. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, p. 1627-1633, sep. 2021. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi: