Museum Visitors’ Interest on Virtual Tours in COVID-19 Situation

  • Samereh POURMORADIAN Department of Management, University of Tabriz, Department of Carpet, Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Iran
  • Omid SALEK FARROKHI University of Girona, Spain
  • Seyedeh Yasamin HOSSEINI University of Girona, Spain


The pandemic of COVID-19 has significantly impacted the tourism industry in worldwide. The main objective of this research was to explore the desire of virtual museums tourists during the quarantine regulation under impact of COVID-19 pandemic. In this light, we considered the four main step of the quarantine lockdown phase in Spain. During these phases the availability of six types of virtual museums were evaluated to figure out the visitors’ interest. The results were obtained by analysing the number and kind of the visits being recorded in the virtual museum’s tours while Spanish inhabitation used to stay at homes for long days, weeks and even months. According to the results, in the zero-quarantine phase, the highest amount of visitors tend to visits the museum parks. While the science museums were received less visits. However, overall results indicated that the reduction of strictures during the quarantine period while the intensity of people's interest were decreased. Based on the results, we conclude that this research makes significant contribution for tourism research and will benefit the decision makers and stakeholders for developing virtual tourism industry further. We also conclude that for new approaches in the post-corona, special attention should be paid to the new interest developed by tourists during the quarantine period.


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How to Cite
POURMORADIAN, Samereh; FARROKHI, Omid SALEK; HOSSEINI, Seyedeh Yasamin. Museum Visitors’ Interest on Virtual Tours in COVID-19 Situation. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. 877-885, june 2021. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi: