Impact of Social Economy on the Environmental Protection

  • Raikhan SUTBAYEVA University of Turan - Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Berik BEISENGALIYEV University of Turan – Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Diana MADIYAROVA Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
  • Assiya TUREKULOVA Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Kazakhstan
  • Asemgul KAPENOVA University of Turan - Astana, Kazakhstan


Global challenges and threats, which inevitably affect the entire world community, naturally enhance the interdependence of states, require their joint actions aimed at solving social and economic problems of the world economy. As a result, the influence of social policy in the field of organizing and financing the social sphere, where environmental protection is an important factor, increases. Many processes occurring in the modern economy contribute to an increase in the importance of employers in solving modern problems of sustainable socio-economic development, both nationally and internationally. The level where rising unemployment rates have a significant negative impact on environmental priorities.


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How to Cite
SUTBAYEVA, Raikhan et al. Impact of Social Economy on the Environmental Protection. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 690-702, june 2021. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi: