The Intention to Repeat Visit Tourist on the Geotourism Object of Cave Bentar, Tanjungsari, Yogyakarta

  • Istiana RAHATMAWATI Department of Management Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia
  • Sari BAHAGIARTI Department of Geological Engineering Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia
  • Bambang PRASTISTHO Department of Geological Engineering Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia
  • Tuti SETYANINGRUM Department of Agrotechnology Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Faizal ZAKARIA Department of Geological Engineering Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia
  • Nadia PRIYANDHITA Department of Management Yogyakarta “Veteran” National Development University, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, experience, attractiveness, and reputation on the intention to return visits tourists to the Cave Bentar geotourism object, Hargosari Village, Tanjungsari District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia in 2020. This research was conducted on Cave Bentar geotourism tourists. The variables used in this study were independent variables consisting of motivation, experience, attractiveness, and reputation. Meanwhile, the dependent variable in this study is the intention of returning tourists. This research includes in a survey type, using partial least square analysis. The sampling method used in this study was convenience sampling.

The results of this study indicate that (1) motivation, experience, attractiveness, and reputation have a positive and significant effect simultaneously on the intention of returning tourists to the object of Bentar Cave Geotourism. (2) motivation, experience, attractiveness, and reputation have a positive and significant effect partially on the intention of returning tourists to the object of Bentar Cave Geotourism.


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How to Cite
RAHATMAWATI, Istiana et al. The Intention to Repeat Visit Tourist on the Geotourism Object of Cave Bentar, Tanjungsari, Yogyakarta. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. 1931-1937, dec. 2020. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.