The Competencies of Human Talent Linked to the Development of Community Based Rural Tourism in the Province of Chimborazo Ecuador

  • Magda Francisca CEJAS MARTÍNEZ Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - UNACH and Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Silvia Marieta ALDAZ HERNÁNDEZ Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - UNACH, Ecuador
  • Luis Alberto QUEVEDO BÁEZ Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - UNACH, Ecuador
  • Mayra Fernanda QUIÑÓNEZ BEDÓN Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Derling José MENDOZA VELAZCO Universidad Nacional de Educacion- UNAE, Ecuador


Human talent represents today for the rural and community tourism a fundamental axis for the improvements of income and sustainable development for the communities of this sector so absent of the governmental policies. Tourism in general, according to international organizations, is considered a strategic axis for the nations of the world, given its planetary reach in the economic and social sector, but also because of the advances that are generated through it in communities, regions and countries.  The objective of the study is to evaluate the human talent and competencies in tourism that are related to the work of tourism establishments in the provinces of Chimborazo. It also seeks to highlight the key capacities in this sector of the Ecuadorian economy. The methodology of the study responds to the quantitative, documentary method based on interpretation, applying an instrument that resulted in the presentation of the key and identifying competencies of the tourism professional who works in rural and community areas. It is concluded that the Province of Chimborazo is part of the programs of interest for the development of tourism in Ecuador, being necessary to potentiate the competencies that characterize the human talent that works in tourism.


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How to Cite
CEJAS MARTÍNEZ, Magda Francisca et al. The Competencies of Human Talent Linked to the Development of Community Based Rural Tourism in the Province of Chimborazo Ecuador. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. 1400 - 1406, sep. 2020. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi: