Transnationalized Tourism: Hyper-Advantages from Global Competitiveness

  • Denis USHAKOV Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Elena ROBU Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), Republic of Moldova
  • Olga BLAGORAZUMNAIA Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), Republic of Moldova
  • Salam KABAHA The Israeli Ministry of Education, Israel


Due to synergy effects from transnationalization, corporation gets its own set of global competitive advantages which can be called using the prefix hyper- (which means, first of all, the global measure of these competitive advantages, that is, company’s capacity to make use of them at any regional or world market; secondly, massive opportunities which these advantages provide for company’s strategic and tactical activities; and thirdly, low probability that any small or mid-sized company would be able to get same or similar competitive advantages). Therefore, economic efficiency of any transnational corporation operating in the tourism sector can be viewed from the standpoint of 6H model. To these 6Hs belong: hyper-profit, hyper-competitiveness, hyper-presence, hyper-positioning, hyper-mobility and hyper-prospective. The article will consider all these hyper-advantages of TNCs along with the sources of their origin.



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How to Cite
USHAKOV, Denis et al. Transnationalized Tourism: Hyper-Advantages from Global Competitiveness. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. 1316 - 1327, sep. 2020. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi: