Assessment of Environmental and Occupational Safety in Mining Industry during Underground Coal Mining

  • Marat L. RUDAKOV Saint Petersburg Mining University, Russian Federation
  • Konstantin A. KOLVAKH Saint Petersburg Mining University, Russian Federation
  • Iana V. DERKACH Saint Petersburg Mining University, Russian Federation


Ensuring the ever-increasing demands of society for energy resources is a key problem for the development of the economy of all countries of the world. At this stage, to improve the living and working conditions of a person, the development of industry and transport, the growth of production based on scientific and technological progress, a continuous increase in energy use is required. Analysis of the environmental consequences of coal mining shows that the human impact on the environment in the process of economic activity becomes global. Therefore, the main goal of the work is to assess the environmental safety in production because of a decrease in rock mass during underground coal mining. The work analyses the levels of negative environmental impact of coal industry enterprises. The relationship between the key statistical indicator that affects the accident rate and the value of professional risk is demonstrated. It is shown that despite the general tendency to reduce the number of cases of fatal injuries to coal mine workers, the procedure for assessing the risk caused by rock falls needs to be improved. In this regard, when assessing occupational risk, it becomes relevant to use information from multifunctional systems of safety (MSS). The complex method of effective control of mountain pressure is illustrated by application of the developed methodology of computer modelling of geo-mechanical processes, instrumental and geophysical methods for protection and maintenance of mine workings at development of a coal seam of the Barentsburg field.


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How to Cite
RUDAKOV, Marat L.; KOLVAKH, Konstantin A.; DERKACH, Iana V.. Assessment of Environmental and Occupational Safety in Mining Industry during Underground Coal Mining. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, june 2020. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: