The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the theoretical background and practical recommendations for refining the development of health-improving tourism in Kazakhstan on the example of Almaty region. The article analyzes the state of development, problems and their solutions, as well as current perspectives of health-improving tourism in Kazakhstan.The study used the methods of the analysis of scientific literature and statistical methods, and applied the complex logical approaches to the study of the health-improving industry.The research provides the detailed author’s definition of health-improving tourism, based on the analysis of the conceptual framework; analyzes the current state of the market of relaxation and spa services in Kazakhstan; presents the results of the analysis of sanatorium-and-spa resorts of Almaty region of Kazakhstan; formulates some recommendations on improving the government regulation of health-improving services. The obtained results can be applied for improving the functioning of sanatorium-and-spa resorts in Kazakhstan, as well as developing the tourism organizations and other institutions related to the market of health-improving tourism.The issue of health-imporoving tourism in Kazakhstan is underdeveloped in scientific literatureas in Kazakhstan as well as abroad. All information presented in article is unique and based on the newest data.
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[3] Chancharat, S., Somsawas, J. (2015). Economics Impacts of Cross-Border Tourism, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 6(1): 45-52,
[4] Fetisova, O. V., Kurchenkov, V.V., Matinа, E.S. (2015). Multi-Criteria Assessment of the Development Potential of the Tourism and Recreational Cluster of the Volgograd Region, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 6(1): 45-52,
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[8] Porter, M. E. (1990). The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, 73-91.
[9] Reihanian A., Noor Z., Kahrom E., Hin T. (2012). Sustainable tourism development strategy by SWOT analysis: Boujagh National Park, Iran, Tourism Management Perspectives 4: 223–228,
[10] Rocha, A., Brandao, A. (2014). On developing wellness and medical tourism: the characterization of a national thermal network, International Journal of Healthcare Management, 7(4): 75-86, 10.1179/2047971914Y.0000000075
[11] Semenov, B.N. (1999). On some controversial developments in the health resort business. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Medical Physical Training, 3: 49-52.
[12] Srivastava, R. (2006). Indian Society for Aphaeresis and Aphaeresis Tourism in India. Is there a future? Transfus Apher, 34 (2): 139-144.
[13] Tuktibayev, O., Abdiraman, O. (2013). History of sanatoriums in Kazakhstan, Slovo.
[14] Voigt, C., Laing, J., Wray, M., Brown, G., Howat, G., Weiler, B. (2010). Health tourism in Australia: supply, demand and opportunities. Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast.
How to Cite
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 244-254, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
health-improving tourism; Kazakhstan; recreation; medical tourism; resort
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