The work demonstrates the dynamics of the world market of energy commodities. It shows the role of the fuel and energy sector as an element of the system of the country’s economy development and basis of the profitable part of the Russian budget. The authors of the article understand the sustainable development of the region as a decrease in the territory dependence on the situation on the global energy market, increase in competitiveness in the world market of hydrocarbon processing and agriculture.Development and implementation of investment projects in the region in the framework of the processing innovative technologies will reduce the region's dependence on commodity proceeds, and increase in the number of the budget revenue sources will reduce the degree of its vulnerability to market conditions in a single market. It explains the influence of the Tyumen Region on the sustainable development of the country. In order to develop management solutions related to the vector of regional development, the authors have adapted the model of the comprehensive estimation of regional sustainable development based on the improved system of indicators.
The authors chose the oil and gas producing region – the Tyumen Region (Russia) – as the object of the study, conducted an analysis based on the selected inductors, which allowed to identify problems and propose measures that would promote the development of both the region and Russia as a whole in result. It provides the complex of ways to manage sustainable development of an oil and gas producing region under the current conditions, among which the authors highlight: optimization of the tax climate for investors and enterprises funding the processing sector and advanced technologies; tax relief to the newly open and modernized enterprises; state co-financing of industrial enterprises serving oil and gas sector and hydrocarbon processing enterprises; reorientation of the labor force.
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[3] Korchagina, E.V. (2012). Methods of Estimating Stable Development of Regional Social and Economic Systems // Problems of Modern Economy, 1(41): 67-71.
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[16] Fedotova, M., Yu., Lomakin, A.A. (2013). Stable Development of Rural Area as a Direction of Its Functioning Strategy: monograph (pp. 200). Penza: RIO PSAA.
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*** Forecasting of the World and Russian Power Economy until 2040. Retrieved 13.04.2015 from
*** Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-р “On Concept of Long-term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2020. Retrieved 19.04.2015 from
*** Rating of Russian Regions according to Life Level. Retrieved 19.04.2015 from
*** Stable Development: Challenges of Rio. Report about Human Development in the Russian Federation, Moscow 2013. Retrieved 14.04.2015 from
*** On Approving “Development of Seaside Areas and Offshore Strips of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2014-2016" Digital fund of legal documents, codes and specifications. Retrieved 05.05.2015 from
How to Cite
KORIAKINA, Elena Anatolievna; KULAKOVA, Nadezhda Sergeevna.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 208-217, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Market of energy commodities; fuel and energy sector; sustainable development of region; gross domestic product; innovational technologies; investment projects
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