Tourism plays a significant social and cultural role in contemporary society by developing new behavior algorithms of various society categories. Tourist flow expands, as well as the number of people with limited abilities, who, while remaining handicapped due to multiple social obstacles, are in need of adaptive conditions for consuming tourist services inside the tourism, available for everyone. Including disabled people in the tourism area still remains an unsolved problem. People with special needs in tourist services are considered being excluded from the social life. Questions related to offering tourist services to them are being solved only partially; there are no conditions for such activity. There is hardly any information about the opportunities for people with limited abilities in Russian; and the least available and the least studied is the field of using tourism facilities in the system of means of social protection. At the same time, tourists with special needs in tourist services are potential business clients; they can participate in economic development and provide profit. We suppose that, to certain extent, this is related to insufficient development of theoretical and conceptual problems of adaptive tourism, which particularly affects the issues of society’s attitude towards such concepts as “human health” and “disability”. Viewing adaptive tourism as a system of social, psychological, medical, athletic, recreational and other interactions, which are included in the content of tourist activity while providing tourist services to the people with special needs, the priority is set on a certain type of psychosocial work on all levels of tourist industry. Adaptive tourism aims on studying and realization of subject-subject interactions, which accompany the promotion of tourism products to the people with special needs. And this implies not only elimination of mechanic obstacles for the travelers’ transportation. There is an issue of a specific type of work with people, who have special needs in tourist services. Lack of attention towards the social category, which needs special conditions in tourism, and under-development of required infrastructure lower the motivation for gaining knowledge in those, who would like to provide specific tourist services for people with limited capabilities in their professional activity. Adaptive tourism is based, on the one hand, on the general theory and methodology of social work, and on the other hand, on the technology of organizing tourism activity and the concept of adaptive physical culture (adaptive physical education, adaptive sport and adaptive locomotor recreation).Our study allows developing a scientific and theoretic basis of the conceptual model of special tourism activity and suggesting a profile for teaching psychosocial workers, who are capable of organizational and managerial activity with people, who have special needs in tourist services.
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[2] Darcy, S., Cameron, B., Dwyer, L., Taylor, T., Wong, E., Thomson, A. (2008). Technical Report 90064: Visitor accessibility in urban centres, p. 75. Available from http://www.crctourism.com.au/BookShop/ BookDetail.aspx?d=626
[3] Neumann, P., Reuber, P. (2004). Economic Impulses of Accessible Tourism for All (Vol. 526). Berlin: Study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology & Federal Ministry of Economic and Labour (BMWA).
[4] Krasnova, O.N. (2014). Problems of Social Cohesion Development. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(3): 421-423. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.19.3.13687
[5] Buhalis, D., Michopoulou, E., Eichhorn, V., Miller, G. (2005). Accessibility market and stakeholder analysis - One-Stop-Shop for Accessible Tourism in Europe (OSSATE). Surrey, United Kingdom: University of Surrey.
[6] Novikova, N.G., Sakharchuk, E.S., Ilkevich, S.V. (2013). The factors of Russia's low competitiveness as a medical tourism destination. World Applied Sciences Journal, 27(13A): 251-255.
[7] Novikova, N.G., Zorina, N.M., Kortunov, V.V. (2015). Use of innovative forms of teaching students to create business discourse. International Education Studies, 8(5): 240 - 246. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ ies.v8n5p240
[8] Darcy, S. (2006). Setting a Research Agenda for Accessible Tourism. In C. Cooper, T. D. Lacy & L. Jago (Eds.), STCRC Technical Report Series, p. 48. Available from http://www.crctourism.com.au/BookShop/ BookDetail.aspx?d=473
[9] Balabanov, V.С., Balabanova, A.V., Dudin, M.N. (2015). Social responsibility for sustainable development of enterprise structures. Asian Social Science, 11(8): 111-118. DOI:10.5539/ass.v11n8p111
*** ENAT (2009). UK Tourism Firms Encouraged to Improve Accessibility Retrieved 26 December, 2009, from http://www.accessibletourism.org/?i=enat.en.news.713
*** Federal law # 132-FZ from November 24, 1996, On the bases of tourism activity in Russian Federation (Ed. on 30.07.2010).
*** Bureau of Tourism Research (2003). National visitor survey: travel by Australians, Retrieved 10 September, 2007, from www.btr.gov.au
*** Harris Interactive Market Research (2003). Research among adults with disabilities - travel and hospitality, Chicago: Open Doors Organization.
How to Cite
NOVIKOVA, Nataliya Gennadievna et al.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 164-171, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/415>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
disability; lifestyle limitations; special needs; tourist services; adaptive tourism
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