• Cao Huan NGUYEN Faculty of Geography, VNU University of Sciences (HUS), Hanoi
  • An Thinh NGUYEN Center for Advanced Research on Global Change (CARGC) Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment (HUNRE)
  • Quoc Dat LUU Faculty of Development Economics VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB), Hanoi
  • Thi Ngoc DANG Faculty of Geography, VNU University of Sciences (HUS), Hanoi


Economic activity prioritization has gained significance in natural resource management, land use planning, and spatial planning. In Central Vietnam, ranking the priority of economic activities has experience in several integrated planning for islands and coastal areas as marine spatial planning (MSP) or integrated spatial planning (ISP).The paper deals with an application of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach to inventory the decision of local residents and authorities in ranking the priority of economic activities in a case study of Cu Lao Bo Bai Island. Data was collected by using questionnaires about the pair wise comparison matrix and in-depth interviews with 45 local residents and 8 communal and district authorities. The result shows that, there was a general consensus on decision from respondents about ranking the top priority for crop cultivation, fishing, marine preservation, infrastructure building, and marine tourism.
However, ranking the priority of sectors and sub-sectors is not consensus due to the differential views of local residents and authorities to marine economic development in the island. Findings of the study suggest that decision-makers should promote participatory planning in order to reach the consensus of key stakeholders in planning process for developing sustainable marine economy in small islands of Vietnam.


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How to Cite
NGUYEN, Cao Huan et al. RANKING THE PRIORITY OF MARINE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN SMALL ISLANDS BASED ON FUZZY ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS. COMPARING DECISION OF LOCAL RESIDENTS AND AUTHORITIES IN CU LAO BO BAI ISLAND, CENTRAL VIETNAM. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 123-134, nov. 2016. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/411>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism


Fuzzy AHP; ranking priority; marine economy; economic activity; Cu Lao Bo Bai Island; Central Vietnam