Environmental education aims to extend students’ knowledge about the environment, challenge the attitudes and behaviors that form the basis of environmental citizenship and develop skills to enable them to take pro-environmental action. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were applied to measure the influence of an Outdoor environmental health awareness program for children in Gaza city, Palestine. Program impacts on children’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors were examined by incorporating observations of children’s engagement in Program activities as well as conducting a focus group discussion with the children. A self-reported questionnaire was applied to collect data for the assessment of the effectiveness of a short-term environmental health awareness program implemented for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades of a children’s primary school in an after-school setting in Gaza City. Pre- and post-tests were designed to determine the changes in the levels of environmental health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of school children who participated in this program.References
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[2] Al-Marzouqi, A. 2006. Effectiveness of a program for the class and non-class environmental activities in developing the environmental skills and values for the students of the second stage of basic education in the United Arab Emirates. PhD Thesis, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
[3] Arnocky, S. and Mirella S. 2011. Variation in environmentalism among university students: Majoring in outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism predicts environmental concerns and behaviors. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(3), 137 -151.
[4] Ballantyne, R., Fien, J. and Packer, J. 2001a. Program effectiveness in facilitating intergenerational influence in environmental education: Lessons from the field. Journal of Environmental Education, 32(4), 8–15.
[5] Ballantyne, R., Fien, J. and Packer, J. 2001b. School environmental education program impacts upon student and family learning: a case study analysis. Environmental Education Research, 7(1), 23-37.
[6] Ballantyne, R., Packer, J. and Michele, E. 2005. Measuring environmental education program impacts and learning in the field: Using action research cycle to develop a tool for use with young students. University of Queensland.Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 21, 23-37.
[7] Basile, G. (000. Environmental education as a catalyst for transfer of learning in young children. The Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 21-27.
[8] Bogner, F.X. 2002. The influence of a residential outdoor education program to pupil's environmental perception. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 17,19-34.
[9] Bonnett, M. and Williams, J. 1998. Environmental education and primary children’s attitudes towards nature and the environment. Cambridge Journal of Education, 28(2), 159-174.
[10] Camargo, C. and Shavelson, R. 2009. Direct Measures in Environmental Education Evaluation: Behavioral Intentions versus Observable Actions, Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 8(3), 165 - 173.
[11] Carleton-Hug, A. and Hug, J.W. 2010. Challenges and opportunities for evaluating environmental education programs. Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning, 33(2), 159-164.
[12] Carrier, J. 2009. The Effects of Outdoor Science Lessons with Elementary School Students on Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 21(2), 35-48.
[13] Cetin, G. and Nisanci, S. 2010. Enhancing students’ environmental awareness. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1830–1834.
[14] Connell, S., Fien, J., Sykes, H. and Yencken, D. 1998. Young people and the environment in Australia: Beliefs, knowledge, commitment and educational implications. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 14, 39-48.
[15] Culen, G., Volk, T. 2000. Effects of an extended case study on environmental behavior and associated variables in seventh and eighth-grade students. Journal of Environmental Education, 3(2), 9–15.
[16] Dark, M. and Holsman, R. 2002. Development of an evaluation checklist for communicating about environmental education. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 1(3), 183-191.
[17] Dettman-Easler, D. and Pease, J. 1996. Days of wonder: Benefits of residential environmental education programs. Science Teacher, 63(6), 41–44.
[18] Dettmann.-Easler, D. and Pease, J. 1999. Evaluating the effectiveness of residential environmental education programs in fostering positive attitudes toward wildlife. The Journal of Environmental Education, 3(1), 33-39.
[19] El Said, S. 1984. Building Program in environmental education for agriculture secondary school students. PhD Thesis, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
[20] Ernst, J. (2005). A formative evaluation of the prairie science class. Journal of Interpretation Research, 10(1), 9-30.
[21] Evans, G.W., Brauchle, G., Haq, A., Stecker, R., Wong, K. and Shapiro, E. 2007. Young children’s environmental attitudes and behaviors. Environment and Behavior, 39(5), 635–658.
[22] Farmer, J., Knapp, D. and Benton, G. 2007. An elementary school environmental education field trip: Long-term effects on ecological and environmental knowledge and attitude development.The Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3), 33-42.
[23] Fisman, L. 2005. The Effects of Local Learning on Environmental Awareness in Children: An Empirical Investigation. The Journal of Environmental Education, 36, 39-50.
[24] Gayford, C. 1996. Environmental education in schools: An alternative framework. Canadian Journal of Environmental education, 1, 104 -120.
[25] Griffin, J. 1999. An exploration of learning in informal settings. (Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Boston, USA).
[26] Goodwin, M., Greasley, S., John, P. and Richardson, L. 2009. Can we make environmental citizens? A randomized control trial of the effects of a school-based intervention on the attitudes and knowledge of young people. (Paper presented at the Political Studies Association Conference, Manchester, UK).
[27] Jaus, H. 1982. The effect of environmental education instruction on children's attitudes toward the environment. Science Education, 66(5), 689-692.
[28] Jordan, J., Hungerford, H. and Tomera, A. 1986. Effects of two residential environmental workshops on high school students. Journal of Environmental Education, 18(1), 15–22.
[29] Knapp, D. and Barrie, E. 2001. Content evaluation of an environmental science field trip. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 10(4), 351-357.
[30] Knapp, D. and Poff, R. 2001. A qualitative analysis of the immediate and short-term impact of an environmental interpretive program. Environmental Education Research, 7(1), 55-65.
[31] Kruse, C. and Card, J. 2004. Effects of a conservation education camp program on campers' self-reported knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education, 35 (4), 33-45.
[32] Larson, L. 2008. Environmental education and ethnicity: The impact of a summer education program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of minority children. Faculty of the University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia.
[33] Leeming, F., Dwyer, W., Porter, B. and Cobern, M. 1993. Outcome research in environmental education, a critical review. The Journal of Environmental Education, 24(4), 8–21.
[34] Lindemann-Matthies, P. 2002. The influence of an educational program on children’s perception of biodiversity. Journal of Environmental Education, 33(2), 22-31.
[35] McDuff, M. 2002. Needs assessment for participatory evaluation of environmental education programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 1(1), 25-36.
[36] Mohsen, M. 2000. The role of science curriculum in development of the environmental knowledge & attitudes, among Fifth & Sixth Grades, in Gaza Governorates, MSc Thesis, the University of Al–Aqsa, Palestine.
[37] Mohsen, M. 2003. Preparation program in environmental education for adults in Palestine and measure its effectiveness. PhD Thesis, Joint graduate Program between the Faculty of Education at the University of Ain Shams, Cairo, Egypt and the Faculty of Education at the University of al –Aqsa, Gaza – Palestine.
[38] Monroe, M. 2002. Evaluation's friendly voice: The structured open-ended interview. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 1(2), 101-106.
[39] O’Neill, E. 2007. Conservation Audits: Auditing Process Lessons Learned,2003-2007: Conservations Measures Partnership. Retrieved August 25, 2012, from http://conservationmeasures.org/CMP/SiteDocs/ Conservation%20Audits%20FINAL%20DRAFT%2031%20July%202007.pdf
[40] Palmberg, I. and Kuru, J. 2000. Outdoor activities as a basis for environmental responsibility. Journal of Environmental Education, 31(4), 32–37.
[41] Powell, R., Stern, M. and Ardoin, N. 2006. A sustainable evaluation framework and its application. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 5(4), 231–241.
[42] Powers, A. 2004. Evaluation of one- and two-day forestry field programs for elementary children. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 3(1), 39-46.
[43] Prokop P., Lešková, A., Kubiatko M., and Diran C. 2007. Slovakian students' knowledge of and attitudes toward biotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, 29(7), 895-907.
[44] Reid, A. and Gough. S. 2000. Guidelines for reporting and evaluating qualitative research: What are the alternatives? Environmental Education Research, 6(1), 59-91.
[45] Rickinson, M. 2001. Learners and learning in environmental education: A critical review of the evidence. Environmental Education Research, 7(3), 207-320.
[46] Salmi, H. and Mekhlafy, M. 2003. The level of environmental awareness among the middle school students in Oman Sultanate, and its relationship to their attitudes towards the Environment. Studies in Curriculum and Teaching Methods, 88, 16-40.
[47] Samaan, A. 1988. The impact ofthe campsin the development ofenvironmental awareness, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
[48] Schneller, A. 2008. Environmental service learning: Outcomes of innovative pedagogy in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Environmental Education Research, 14(3), 291-307.
[49] Shavelson, R. 2006. On the integration of formative assessment in teaching and learning: Implications for new pathways in teacher education. (In F. Oser, F. Achtenhagen, & U. Renold (Eds.), Competence-oriented teachertraining:Old research demands and new pathways. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
[50] Smith-Sebasto, J. and Cavern, L. 2006. Effects of pre- and post trip activities associated with a residential environmental education experience on students’ attitudes toward the environment. The Journal of Environmental Education, 37(4): 3-17.
[51] Smith -Sebasto J., Rechenberg, C., Cruey, L., Magness, S. and Sandman, P. 1997. The impact of recycling education on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of grade school children. Education, 118(2), 262-266.
[52] Smith-Sebasto, J. and Semrau, H. J. 2004. Evaluation of the environmental education program at the New Jersey School of Conservation. Journal of Environmental Education, 36(1), 3–18.
[53] Stern, M., Powell, R. and Ardoin, N. 2008. What Difference Does It Make? Assessing Outcomes from Participation in a Residential Environmental Education Program. Summer. The Journal of Environmental Education, 39(4), 31–43.
[54] Vadala, C. 2004. The impact of an environmental education program on third graders' knowledge, attitude and behavioral intentions. MSc Thesis, Texas A & M University. United States.
[55] Volk, T. and Cheak, M. 2003. The effects of an environmental education program on students, parents, and community. Journal of Environmental Education, 34(4), 12–25.
*** Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2010. Population in the Palestinian Territory, 1997-2010. Ramallah-Palestine. Retrieved September 3, 2012. From http://www.pcbs.gov.ps
[2] Al-Marzouqi, A. 2006. Effectiveness of a program for the class and non-class environmental activities in developing the environmental skills and values for the students of the second stage of basic education in the United Arab Emirates. PhD Thesis, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
[3] Arnocky, S. and Mirella S. 2011. Variation in environmentalism among university students: Majoring in outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism predicts environmental concerns and behaviors. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(3), 137 -151.
[4] Ballantyne, R., Fien, J. and Packer, J. 2001a. Program effectiveness in facilitating intergenerational influence in environmental education: Lessons from the field. Journal of Environmental Education, 32(4), 8–15.
[5] Ballantyne, R., Fien, J. and Packer, J. 2001b. School environmental education program impacts upon student and family learning: a case study analysis. Environmental Education Research, 7(1), 23-37.
[6] Ballantyne, R., Packer, J. and Michele, E. 2005. Measuring environmental education program impacts and learning in the field: Using action research cycle to develop a tool for use with young students. University of Queensland.Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 21, 23-37.
[7] Basile, G. (000. Environmental education as a catalyst for transfer of learning in young children. The Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 21-27.
[8] Bogner, F.X. 2002. The influence of a residential outdoor education program to pupil's environmental perception. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 17,19-34.
[9] Bonnett, M. and Williams, J. 1998. Environmental education and primary children’s attitudes towards nature and the environment. Cambridge Journal of Education, 28(2), 159-174.
[10] Camargo, C. and Shavelson, R. 2009. Direct Measures in Environmental Education Evaluation: Behavioral Intentions versus Observable Actions, Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 8(3), 165 - 173.
[11] Carleton-Hug, A. and Hug, J.W. 2010. Challenges and opportunities for evaluating environmental education programs. Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning, 33(2), 159-164.
[12] Carrier, J. 2009. The Effects of Outdoor Science Lessons with Elementary School Students on Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 21(2), 35-48.
[13] Cetin, G. and Nisanci, S. 2010. Enhancing students’ environmental awareness. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1830–1834.
[14] Connell, S., Fien, J., Sykes, H. and Yencken, D. 1998. Young people and the environment in Australia: Beliefs, knowledge, commitment and educational implications. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 14, 39-48.
[15] Culen, G., Volk, T. 2000. Effects of an extended case study on environmental behavior and associated variables in seventh and eighth-grade students. Journal of Environmental Education, 3(2), 9–15.
[16] Dark, M. and Holsman, R. 2002. Development of an evaluation checklist for communicating about environmental education. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 1(3), 183-191.
[17] Dettman-Easler, D. and Pease, J. 1996. Days of wonder: Benefits of residential environmental education programs. Science Teacher, 63(6), 41–44.
[18] Dettmann.-Easler, D. and Pease, J. 1999. Evaluating the effectiveness of residential environmental education programs in fostering positive attitudes toward wildlife. The Journal of Environmental Education, 3(1), 33-39.
[19] El Said, S. 1984. Building Program in environmental education for agriculture secondary school students. PhD Thesis, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
[20] Ernst, J. (2005). A formative evaluation of the prairie science class. Journal of Interpretation Research, 10(1), 9-30.
[21] Evans, G.W., Brauchle, G., Haq, A., Stecker, R., Wong, K. and Shapiro, E. 2007. Young children’s environmental attitudes and behaviors. Environment and Behavior, 39(5), 635–658.
[22] Farmer, J., Knapp, D. and Benton, G. 2007. An elementary school environmental education field trip: Long-term effects on ecological and environmental knowledge and attitude development.The Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3), 33-42.
[23] Fisman, L. 2005. The Effects of Local Learning on Environmental Awareness in Children: An Empirical Investigation. The Journal of Environmental Education, 36, 39-50.
[24] Gayford, C. 1996. Environmental education in schools: An alternative framework. Canadian Journal of Environmental education, 1, 104 -120.
[25] Griffin, J. 1999. An exploration of learning in informal settings. (Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Boston, USA).
[26] Goodwin, M., Greasley, S., John, P. and Richardson, L. 2009. Can we make environmental citizens? A randomized control trial of the effects of a school-based intervention on the attitudes and knowledge of young people. (Paper presented at the Political Studies Association Conference, Manchester, UK).
[27] Jaus, H. 1982. The effect of environmental education instruction on children's attitudes toward the environment. Science Education, 66(5), 689-692.
[28] Jordan, J., Hungerford, H. and Tomera, A. 1986. Effects of two residential environmental workshops on high school students. Journal of Environmental Education, 18(1), 15–22.
[29] Knapp, D. and Barrie, E. 2001. Content evaluation of an environmental science field trip. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 10(4), 351-357.
[30] Knapp, D. and Poff, R. 2001. A qualitative analysis of the immediate and short-term impact of an environmental interpretive program. Environmental Education Research, 7(1), 55-65.
[31] Kruse, C. and Card, J. 2004. Effects of a conservation education camp program on campers' self-reported knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education, 35 (4), 33-45.
[32] Larson, L. 2008. Environmental education and ethnicity: The impact of a summer education program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of minority children. Faculty of the University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia.
[33] Leeming, F., Dwyer, W., Porter, B. and Cobern, M. 1993. Outcome research in environmental education, a critical review. The Journal of Environmental Education, 24(4), 8–21.
[34] Lindemann-Matthies, P. 2002. The influence of an educational program on children’s perception of biodiversity. Journal of Environmental Education, 33(2), 22-31.
[35] McDuff, M. 2002. Needs assessment for participatory evaluation of environmental education programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 1(1), 25-36.
[36] Mohsen, M. 2000. The role of science curriculum in development of the environmental knowledge & attitudes, among Fifth & Sixth Grades, in Gaza Governorates, MSc Thesis, the University of Al–Aqsa, Palestine.
[37] Mohsen, M. 2003. Preparation program in environmental education for adults in Palestine and measure its effectiveness. PhD Thesis, Joint graduate Program between the Faculty of Education at the University of Ain Shams, Cairo, Egypt and the Faculty of Education at the University of al –Aqsa, Gaza – Palestine.
[38] Monroe, M. 2002. Evaluation's friendly voice: The structured open-ended interview. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 1(2), 101-106.
[39] O’Neill, E. 2007. Conservation Audits: Auditing Process Lessons Learned,2003-2007: Conservations Measures Partnership. Retrieved August 25, 2012, from http://conservationmeasures.org/CMP/SiteDocs/ Conservation%20Audits%20FINAL%20DRAFT%2031%20July%202007.pdf
[40] Palmberg, I. and Kuru, J. 2000. Outdoor activities as a basis for environmental responsibility. Journal of Environmental Education, 31(4), 32–37.
[41] Powell, R., Stern, M. and Ardoin, N. 2006. A sustainable evaluation framework and its application. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 5(4), 231–241.
[42] Powers, A. 2004. Evaluation of one- and two-day forestry field programs for elementary children. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 3(1), 39-46.
[43] Prokop P., Lešková, A., Kubiatko M., and Diran C. 2007. Slovakian students' knowledge of and attitudes toward biotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, 29(7), 895-907.
[44] Reid, A. and Gough. S. 2000. Guidelines for reporting and evaluating qualitative research: What are the alternatives? Environmental Education Research, 6(1), 59-91.
[45] Rickinson, M. 2001. Learners and learning in environmental education: A critical review of the evidence. Environmental Education Research, 7(3), 207-320.
[46] Salmi, H. and Mekhlafy, M. 2003. The level of environmental awareness among the middle school students in Oman Sultanate, and its relationship to their attitudes towards the Environment. Studies in Curriculum and Teaching Methods, 88, 16-40.
[47] Samaan, A. 1988. The impact ofthe campsin the development ofenvironmental awareness, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
[48] Schneller, A. 2008. Environmental service learning: Outcomes of innovative pedagogy in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Environmental Education Research, 14(3), 291-307.
[49] Shavelson, R. 2006. On the integration of formative assessment in teaching and learning: Implications for new pathways in teacher education. (In F. Oser, F. Achtenhagen, & U. Renold (Eds.), Competence-oriented teachertraining:Old research demands and new pathways. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
[50] Smith-Sebasto, J. and Cavern, L. 2006. Effects of pre- and post trip activities associated with a residential environmental education experience on students’ attitudes toward the environment. The Journal of Environmental Education, 37(4): 3-17.
[51] Smith -Sebasto J., Rechenberg, C., Cruey, L., Magness, S. and Sandman, P. 1997. The impact of recycling education on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of grade school children. Education, 118(2), 262-266.
[52] Smith-Sebasto, J. and Semrau, H. J. 2004. Evaluation of the environmental education program at the New Jersey School of Conservation. Journal of Environmental Education, 36(1), 3–18.
[53] Stern, M., Powell, R. and Ardoin, N. 2008. What Difference Does It Make? Assessing Outcomes from Participation in a Residential Environmental Education Program. Summer. The Journal of Environmental Education, 39(4), 31–43.
[54] Vadala, C. 2004. The impact of an environmental education program on third graders' knowledge, attitude and behavioral intentions. MSc Thesis, Texas A & M University. United States.
[55] Volk, T. and Cheak, M. 2003. The effects of an environmental education program on students, parents, and community. Journal of Environmental Education, 34(4), 12–25.
*** Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2010. Population in the Palestinian Territory, 1997-2010. Ramallah-Palestine. Retrieved September 3, 2012. From http://www.pcbs.gov.ps
How to Cite
SARSOUR, Amal Khalil et al.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 249-267, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/408>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
environmental health; awareness; knowledge; behaviors; children
Copyright© 2024 The Author(s). Published by ASERS Publishing 2024. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of CC-BY 4.0 license.