Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Reducing Nutrient Loading in Baltic and Black Seas: A Review

  • George E. HALKOS Laboratory of Operations Research Department of Economics University of Thessaly
  • Georgia K. GALANI Laboratory of Operations Research Department of Economics University of Thessaly


Eutrophication represents a global environmental pressure that necessitates international co-operation and the diffusion of information to avoid information asymmetries; the construction of an appropriate legislative framework; the development of monitoring technologies and scientific research to provide the evidence for policy intervention. The health condition of the Baltic and Black Seas has deteriorated over a long period due to increases in nutrient inputs from anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic sources. The current study aims at providing a review of the literature and defining the possible gaps concerning (1) the efforts toward a sustainable marine management in the Baltic and Black Seas; (2) the methodological issues in constructing a cost-effectiveness analysis and the uncertainties entailed in the cost-effectiveness studies, and (3) the available applications of cost-effectiveness studies conducted.


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How to Cite
HALKOS, George E.; GALANI, Georgia K.. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Reducing Nutrient Loading in Baltic and Black Seas: A Review. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 28-51, nov. 2016. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism


eutrophication; cost-effectiveness analysis; abatement measures; nutrient loading; Baltic Sea; Black Sea