The natural resources of most developing countries are under increasing stress, and many nations are increasingly concerned about achieving environmental sustainability through efficient use of land and water resources. As population is escalating very fast and consumer demand for high value agricultural products (fruits and vegetables, animal or fish products, etc.) is also changing rapidly.Hence, need to take stronger step by national governments to monitor their natural resources and take immediate steps to maintain these resources when being overused. Data generation by visiting the place physically is tedious and time consuming. Modern ICT techniques provide solutions helpful in collecting data without visiting the place from distance. With development of modern technologies, ICTs are of immense use in Sustainable Natural Resource Management. These technologies are time and money saving, accurate compared to conventional assessment. Products of these technologies help the scientists and policy makers for taking appropriate decision in agriculture production.
It is thus important to recognize that the dissemination of these land and water-use management practices are largely knowledge-based; therefore, developing countries will be required to make substantial investment in public extension to train small and medium-scale farmers how to use Sustainable Natural Resource Management (SNRM) practices.
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[13] Singh, R.K.P. and Singh, K.M. 2012. Climate Change, Agriculture and ICT: An Exploratory Analysis. In: ICT For Agricultural Development Under Changing Climate. Ed. K.M. Singh, M.S. Meena. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi: 17-28.
[14] Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. 2012. ICT for Agricultural Development under Changing Climate, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
[15] Tim, U. Sunday and Mallavaram, Sumant. 2003. Application of GIS Technology in Watershed-based Management and Decision Making, Watershed Update, 1(5). watershed/pdfs/0105WU.pdf
[16] Van den Berg, H. 2004. IPM farmer field schools: A synthesis of 25 impact evaluation. Prepared for the Global IPM facility of Wageningen University, Netherlands.
[2] Doran, D. and Parkin, T.B. 1994. Defining soil quality for sustainable environment. In: Soil Science Society of America Special Publication NO.35 (J.W. Doran, D.C. Coleman, D.F. Bezdicekand and B.A. Stewart, Eds.)Soil Science Society of America, Madision, WI.
[3] Friedli, B., Tobias, S. Fritsch, M. 1998. Quality assessment of restored soils: combination of classical soil science methods with ground penetrating radar and near infrared aerial photography? Soil & Tillage Research, 46: 103-115.
[4] International Telecommunication Union. 2010. ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management,
[5] Karlen, D.L. and Eash, N.S. and Unger, P.W. 1992. Soil and crop management effects on soil quality indicators. American Journal of Alternate Agriculture, 7:48-55.
[6] Kumar, Abhay and Singh, K.M. 2012. Role of ICTs in Rural Development with Reference to Changing Climatic Conditions. In: ICT for Agricultural Development Under Changing Climate, Ed.K.M.Singh, M.S.Meena, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
[7] Liu, Xingmei, Zhang Weiwen, Zhang, Minghua, Ficklin, L. Darren, Wang Fan. 2009. Spatio-temporal variations of soil nutrients influenced by an altered land tenure system in China. Geoderma 152: 23–34.
[8] Matthew P. McCartney, Bruce A. Lankford and Henry Mahoo. 2007. Agricultural Water Management in Water Stressed Catchment: Lessons from RIPARWIN Project, Research Report 116 of International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka.
[9] Meena, M.S., Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. 2012. ICT-Enabled Extension in Agriculture Sector: Opportunities and Challenges in Climate Change Situation. In: ICT for Agricultural Development Under Changing Climate, Ed. K.M. Singh, M.S. Meena. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
[10] Rajan, K, and Meena, M. K. 2012. ICT for soil quality assessment under changing climate scenario In: ICTs for Agricultural Development under Changing Climate. Ed. K.M. Singh and M.S. Meena, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi. pp: 247-260.
[11] Shi, Zhou and Li Hongyi. 2007. Application of artificial neural network approach and remotely sensed imagery for regional eco-environmental quality evaluation. Environ. Monit. Assess. 128:217–229.
[12] Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. 2012. Conservation Agriculture: Economic Perspective and Future Challenges.
[13] Singh, R.K.P. and Singh, K.M. 2012. Climate Change, Agriculture and ICT: An Exploratory Analysis. In: ICT For Agricultural Development Under Changing Climate. Ed. K.M. Singh, M.S. Meena. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi: 17-28.
[14] Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. 2012. ICT for Agricultural Development under Changing Climate, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
[15] Tim, U. Sunday and Mallavaram, Sumant. 2003. Application of GIS Technology in Watershed-based Management and Decision Making, Watershed Update, 1(5). watershed/pdfs/0105WU.pdf
[16] Van den Berg, H. 2004. IPM farmer field schools: A synthesis of 25 impact evaluation. Prepared for the Global IPM facility of Wageningen University, Netherlands.
How to Cite
MEENA, M.S.; SINGH, Krishna M..
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 77-90, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
information & communication technologies; natural resource management; sustainable natural resource management
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