Provision of Gas Engine Bus Performance with Air-Fuel Mixture
To evaluate air ratio impact on the engine temperature condition, environmental and economic performance, in-operation and bench test of gas engines with an exhaust gas catalyst have been performed. Air-fuel mixture was adjusted with adjustment of a fuel supply ECU. Data given shows us air-fuel impact on environmental and economic performance as well as reliability of a gas engine.References
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*** GOST Р 41.49-2003, Regulation 49 UN EEC. Uniform provisions concerning the approval of compression ignition (C.I.) and natural gas (N.G.) engines as well as positive-ignition (P.I.) engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vehicles equipped with C.I. and N.G. engines and P.I. engines fuelled with LPG, with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine (MOD). (2004, January 7). Moscow: Izdatelstvo Standartov.
[2] Bakhmutov, S. (2014). Development of vehicles, weight more that 6 tons and buses with medium and high pasenger capacity with new generation gas engines of prospective environmetal standards. International Scientific and Technical Conference Innovations in Machine Building, Minsk.
[3] Bolbas, M. (2003). Transport and environment. Minsk: Technoprint.
[4] Klementyev, A. (n.d.). Development of theory for vehicle efficiency analysis when converting internal combustion engines into gas fuel engine. Ph.D. thesis in Engineering Science.
[5] Kulchinskiy, A. (2000). Toxicity of automobile and tractor engines. Vladimir: Vladimir State University.
[6] Kutenev, V., Arapov, V. (1979). Reduction of polutant emissions by truck and bus engines. R&D Institute of Automative Industry Information (NIINavtoprom).
[7] Kuznetsov, E., Boldin, A., Vlasov, V. et al. (2001). Vehicle Technical Maintenance: College book. Ed. 4, revised. Мoscow: Nauka.
[8] Mourelatos, Z. (2003). An Efficient Journal Bearing Lubrication Analysis for Engine Crankshafts. Tribology Transactions, 3(44): 351-358.
[9] Nefedov, A., Vysochin, L. (1976). Planning of an experiment and simulation of a vehicle operation parameters. Lviv.
[10] Rajagopal, K., Szeri, A. (2003). On an inconsistency in the derivation of the equations of elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 459: 2772-2786.
[11] Ryabchinskiy, A., Trofimenko, Yu., Shelmakov, S. (2000). Vehicle environmental safety. Edited by Lukanin V.M, A.M. of the Russian Academy of Science. Мoscow: MADI.
[12] Samoylov, A. (2008). Commercial Transport Magazine, 4.
[13] Tsvetkov, D. (n.d.). Improvement of operative correction of service standards for municipal buses due to operation condition metering. Ph.D. thesis in Engineering Science.
[14] Umnyashkin, V., Filkin, N., Muzafarov, R. (2006). Fundamental study of vehicle performance. Izhevsk: R&D Center Systematic and chaotic dynamics.
[15] Wang, D., Keith, T., Yang, Q., Vaidyanathan, K. (2004). Lubrication Analysis of a Connecting-Rod Bearing in a High-Speed Engine. Tribology Transactions, 2(47): 280-298.
[16] Yakunin, N. (2003). Guidelines for control and monitoring over vehicle condition in operation. Мoscow: Mashinostroyeniye-1.
[17] Yuan, Y., Tao, W., Liu, E., Barber, G., Zou, Q., Guessous, L., Du, Z. (2007). Engine Lubrication System Analysis by Considering Aeration and Cavitation within the Rotating Oil Supply Passage. Tribology Transactions, 1(50): 39-49.
[18] Zhang, C., Zhang, H., Qui, Z. (1999). Fast Analysis of Crankshaft Bearings with a Database Including Shear Thinning and Viscoelastic Effects. Tribology Transactions, 4(42): 922-928.
[19] Zvonov, V. (1981). Toxicity of internal combustion engines. Moscow: Mashinostroyeniye.
*** GOST Р 41.49-2003, Regulation 49 UN EEC. Uniform provisions concerning the approval of compression ignition (C.I.) and natural gas (N.G.) engines as well as positive-ignition (P.I.) engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vehicles equipped with C.I. and N.G. engines and P.I. engines fuelled with LPG, with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine (MOD). (2004, January 7). Moscow: Izdatelstvo Standartov.
How to Cite
KULAKOV, Alexandr; GATTAROV, Ilmir; FROLOV, Alexey.
Provision of Gas Engine Bus Performance with Air-Fuel Mixture.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 90-99, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Pollutant emissions; gas engine; catalyst; concentration; exhaust gases; air-fuel mixture; compressed natural gas (CNG)
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