Multi-Criteria Assessment of the Development Potential of the Tourism and Recreational Cluster of the Volgograd Region
The paper formulates a simple methodology for the quantitative assessment of the tourism potential of the region. The study proposes the multi-criteria decision based on the weighted average sum model. This method involves the selection of social and material attributes and their quantitative assessment by means of ranking and scaling. This methodology is applied in the evaluation of the tourism and recreational potential of the Volgograd Region. The major constraints to the development of tourism in certain districts of the region are identified. To optimize the cost of creating tourist infrastructure, the author proposes to adopt the concept of clustering of tourist areas.References
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[2] Ashouri, P., Fariyadi, Sh. (2010, December). Potential Assessment of Nature-Based Tourism Destinations Using MCA Techniques. Case Study: Lavasan-e Koochak. Journal of Environmental Studies, 55(36): 1-3.
[3] Ciurea, R. Mihalache, Ungureanu, G., Brezuleanu, S. (2011). Studies Regarding the Evaluation of the Tourist Potential of Oituz Hydrographicaт Basin – Bacau County. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 2(68): 49-54.
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[5] Fetisova, O., Kurchenkov, V., Matina, E. (2015). Assessment of tourism and recreational potential of the region for formation of the strategy of development of tourist-recreational clusters. Journal of Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4-2(9): 427-432.
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[9] Karmanova, T., Podsevalova, E., Zikirova, S., Silaeva, A., Leonova, V. (2015). Cluster Model of Regional Tourist Business in Russia. Asian Social Science, 6(11): 279-286.
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[11] Kurchenkov, V., Fetisova, O., Matina, E. (2015). Key priorities for establishing strategy of the regional tourist complex development. Business. Education. Law. Bulletin of the Volgograd Business Institute, 2(31): 37-41.
[12] Marinovic, M., Andrlic, B. (2012). Social geolocation in tourism – interrelationship of Web 2.0 and geography. Annals of DAAAM for 2012 & Proceedings of the 23rd International DAAAM Symposium, 1(23) 337-340. ISSN 2304-1382, ISBN 978-3-901509-91-9.
[13] On the activities of the travel companies on the territory of the Volgograd Region 2013: Statistical survey. The local agency of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Volgograd Region. (2014). Volgograd: Volgograd stat.
[14] Podinovski, V., Potapov, A. (2013). Weighted sum method in the analysis of multi-criteria decisions: pro et contra. Biznes-informatika, 3(25): 41-48.
[15] Seliverstova, M. (2015). The Cluster Organization of Entrepreneurial Activity within the Tourism and Recreation Sphere. European Journal of Economic Studies, 1(11): 54-60.
[16] Shabanova, L., Aksenova, N. (2012). Analysis of the status of tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Tatarstan and the prospects for its development. XI Vasilyevskaya conference: Proceedings of the conference “Values and interests of the modern society”, Moscow, RGTEU.
*** Statistical Yearbook of the Volgograd Region 2013: Collected book. The local agency of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Volgograd Region. (2014). Volgograd: Volgogradstat.
*** The geopolitical position of the Volgograd Region. The Investment portal of the Volgograd Region. (n.d.).Retrieved June 21, 2015,
*** Volgograd stat.(n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2015, volgastat/ru/statistics/population
How to Cite
VLADIMIROVNA, Fetisova Olga; VICTOROVICH, Vladimir Kurchenkov; SERGEEVNA, Matinа Elena.
Multi-Criteria Assessment of the Development Potential of the Tourism and Recreational Cluster of the Volgograd Region.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 68-77, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
tourism potential; multi-criteria assessment; recreational cluster; Volgograd; clustering
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