Improvement Options for Transactional Factors of Tourism and Recreation Cluster in Volgograd Region
Successful functioning of tourism and recreation complex depends to a large extent on resource and factor potential of the complex in question. The main factors ensuring organizational unity of subjects in a tourism and recreation complex based on general rules, contracts, organizational forms and data flow are transactional (uniting) factors. The author presents a scoring method for assessment of transactional factors development in tourism and recreation complex in Volgograd region. The aim of this paper is to study current state and identify improvement options for institutional, organizational and informational factors of tourism and recreation cluster being created in Volgograd region.References
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[4] Fetisova, O.V. et al. 2015. Multi-criteria assessment of the development potential of the tourism and recreational cluster of the Volgograd region, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, (Volume VI, Summer), 1(11): 69-78.
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*** Agency of strategic initiatives. Russian Regional Investment Climate Index. 2015. Russian regional investment web portal. Available at:
*** Committee of Youth Policy and Tourism of VolgogradAdministration. 2013. A report on the results of implementing measures of departmental target programme “Reviving the image of hero city Volgograd as atourist centre” for 2013-2014. Available at: Programms/Otrasl/ProgrammsKdm.aspx
*** Decree of the Administration of the Volgograd region No 188-П “On long-term regional target programme “Development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Volgograd region” for 2013-2017”. Electronic fund of legal and technological normative documents “Code.” Available at: 428562987
*** Decree of the Administration of the Volgograd region No 217-П as of 8th May, 2015 “On adoption of government programme of the Volgograd region “Development of culture and tourism in the Volgograd region” 2015-2020”. Electronic fund of legal and technological normative documents “Code.” Available at:
*** Decree of the Administration of the Volgograd region No 295-П as of 5th June, 2015. “On adoption of inbound and outbound development concept for the Volgograd region until 2020”. – Electronic fund of legal and technological normative documents “Code.” Available at:
*** Economics Committee of the Volgograd region. 2015. Executive summary on the efficiency of tax remissions provided by legislation of the Volgograd region. Official webpage of Economics Committee of the Volgograd region. Available at:
*** Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. A report on the state of competition in the Russian Federation. 2015. Available at: doklad_o_konkurencii_-_za_2014_prilozheniya_proekt_na_metodsovet_fas.pdf
*** Federal law No 132-ФЗ as of 24th November, 1996. “About bases of tourist activities in the Russian Federation (with changes as of 29th June, 2015)”. Electronic fund of legal and technological normative documents “Code”. Available at:
*** Law of the Volgograd region No 358-ОД as of 27th December, 1999 “On development of tourism in the Volgograd region” (versions of laws of the Volgograd region as of 02.06.2000 No 409-ОД, as of 23.11.2007 No 1561-ОД, as of 05.12.2008 No 1806-ОД, as of 08.11.2013 No 144-ОД, as of 20.12.2013 No 177-ОД, as of 24.03.2015 No 31-ОД, as of 10.07.2015 No 93-ОД). Electronic fund of legal and technological normative documents “Code”. Available at:
*** Non-profit partnership PPP Development Centre. Rating of PPP development in the subjects of the Russian Federation 2014-2015. N. d. Official website ofthe Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Available at:
*** Plan of actions (“roadmap”) to promote the development of competition in the Volgograd region for 2016-2017. N.d. Available at:
*** Tourism Development Agency of the Volgograd region. Across the Volgograd region with a new mobile application. N.d. Available at: option=comcontent&view= article&id=1930:2015-07-08-08-46-18&catid=17:news&Itemid=35
How to Cite
FETISOVA, Olga Vladimirovna; KURCHENKOV, Vladimir Victorovich; MATINА, Elena Sergeevna.
Improvement Options for Transactional Factors of Tourism and Recreation Cluster in Volgograd Region.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. 493-503, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
tourism and recreation cluster (TRC); tourism and recreation complex; public-private partnership (PPP); tourist product; competitive environment
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