Ecotourism is a Significant Tool for Sustainable Tourist Attraction: A Case Study of Khao Krajome, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand
The purposes of this study were to identify parameters those could indicate baseline data for appropriate management of ecotourism, and to initiate the ecotourism management at Khao Krajome, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were implemented in this study and divided into 3 steps. First of all, parameters those could indicate the ecotourism management were identified. Secondly, environmental parameters and socioeconomic parameters were examined by field survey and questionnaires. Finally, the principles of ecotourism management were applied in order to develop ecotourism management plan in the study area. The results showed that there were many initial parameters that created some impacts on study area which are composed of 7 environmental parameters, 6 social parameters, and 3 economic parameters. In addition, from field survey studies revealed that number of animal traces and animals were more accelerated found in the area which far from the road. The overuse of water supply in high season had effected on lack of water supply in low season which is an important problem in this area. Base on related results during this study, it can be indicated that tourism can cause some advance effects on study area. Therefore, principles of ecotourism management need to be employed in Khao Krajome to reduce the negative impacts and be a significant tool for conserve sustainable tourist attraction.References
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[6] Switalski, T.A., and Jones, A. 2012. Off-Road Vehicle Best Mangement Practices for Forestlands: A Review of Scientific Literature and Guidance for Managers, Journal of Conservation Planning, 8: 12-24. Available at:
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[11] Aimphan, D. et al. 2005. The Final Report of Study Project: The Carrying Capacity of Mu Ko Surin National Park, Phang-nga Province. BKK: Kasetsart University.
[12] Zaei, M.E., and Zaei, M.E. 2013. The Impacts of Tourism Industry on Host Community. European Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Research, 1(2): 12-21. Available at: european-journal-of-hospitality-and-tourism-research-ejhtr/vol-1-issue-2-september-2013/impacts-tourism-industry-host-community/
[13] Kumar De, U., and Devi, A. 2010. Natural based Tourism, Seasonal Variation and Its Impact on Employment and Income: Evidence from Meghalaya. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 1(2): 116. Available at:
[14] Ardahaey, F.T. 2011. Economic Impacts of Tourism Industry. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(8): 206-215. DOI:10.5539/ijbm.v6n8p206
[16] Chatchawan, S. 2000. Wastewater: Concept and Process for Management. Cheing Mai.
*** Office of Tourism and sports RP. 2014. Check in 4 Provinces Attractions Nakhon Phathom: Phetkasem Printing Group Co., Ltd.
*** Pollution Control D. 2008. Manual on Measurement of Noise Level. BKK: Pollution Control Department, 81 pp.
*** Pollution Control D. 2000. Water quality standards and criteria in Thailand BKK: Pollution Control Department, 209 p.
*** Organization WT. 2011. Tourist Safety ans Security. Spain: World Tour Organization, 173 p.
How to Cite
Ecotourism is a Significant Tool for Sustainable Tourist Attraction: A Case Study of Khao Krajome, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. 481-492, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
ecotourism; sustainable tourist attraction; tourism impact; Thailand
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