Realization of Breakthrough Positioning Strategy for Agritourist Objects
This article presents the possibilities and ways of forming an effective strategy to promote agritourism facilities, which as a specific type of tourism product, recently became more popular in the world. This paper analyzes the examples of domestic and foreign practice of promoting agritourism facilities in terms of their accordance with breakthrough positioning tools.The aim of the article is to examine the perspective directions of development of agritourism in Russia and abroad, and identify the possibility of applying the breakthrough strategy of positioning objects to different types of agritourism.
The methodology of this study is based on breakthrough tools and matrix of strategic positioning algorithms, which include Matrix General Electric–McKinsey (GE-McKinsey). In this paper, a new kind of competitive positioning matrix tools is presented being implemented in four types of market promotion, including generic, kitsch, high-tech and breakthrough. Breakthrough tools for positioning of rural objects and the ways of its application in the field of agritourism are considered. The paper shows the options for positioning objects of rural tourism via the selection of one of the most promising strategies for promoting. Methodology demonstrates the difference between the ratio of winning and losing positions of positioning objects agricultural tourism in choosing different approaches to their promotion.
It is concluded that the development of eco-tourism is a promising direction of modern tourism market positioning and breakthrough strategy is able to provide high attractiveness of agritourism. Application of the breakthrough positioning strategy in the field of agritourism requires taking into account all types of factors and assessment of the winning position based on the characteristics of the chosen promotion strategy.
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[18] Ryan, S., DeBord, K., and McClellan, K. 2006. Agritourism in Pennsylvania: An Industry Assessment. California University of Pennsylvania, 1-22.
[19] Rybakov, F. F. 1992. Culture and market relations. Russian Economic Journal, 12: 68-74.
[20] Shumakova, O.V, Kosenchuk, O.V., Novikov, Yu.I., and Nardin, D.S. 2015. Methods of assessing the potential of rural tourism in rural areas. Basic Research, 2-24: 5478- 81.
[21] Starobinskaya, N.M. 2007. Management: training complex. St. Petrsburg: Herzen University, 1-133.
[22] Tan, S.-K., Luh, D.-B., and Kung, S.-F. 2014. A taxonomy of creative tourists in creative tourism. Tourism Management, 42: 248–259.
[23] Throsby, D. 2001. Economics and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
How to Cite
PASHKUS, Vadim Yu. et al.
Realization of Breakthrough Positioning Strategy for Agritourist Objects.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. 439-448, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
agritourism; area marketing; tourist potential of region; key success factors of territory; strategic marketing
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