State Regulation of Organic Agriculture Development
The main goal of the research was to study and systemize measures of state regulation of the development of organic agriculture in Russia and abroad as well as to develop top-priority areas of its improvement. The Russian market of organic agricultural products has started its formation not long ago, and this area has not been enough studied. The article shows theoretical and methodological review of the references of native and foreign researchers, defines the vector of development of organic agriculture under contemporary terms and conditions of state regulation.Based on the conducted empiric research of maintaining and supporting organic agriculture in foreign countries for the period of 2010-2013, the advantages, principles and peculiarities of state support were revealed. The article defines the necessity to use foreign experience on the territory of Russia where almost half of agricultural products are produced in private subsidiary farms according to principles of farming that are close too organic. The analysis of the system of enactments in the area of regulating the development of organic agricultural production revealed the lack of the unified standard of producing and marking organic products in the country.
Therefore, the authors stipulated the necessity to develop an accurate system of state regulation including: the creation of the regulatory and legal framework, national standards and marking; the formation of the culture of organics” consumption on the state level; the development of the Concept of organic agriculture development; the creation of the efficient system of state regulation and control over the development of organic agriculture in the Russian Federation. The implementation of the above measures will contribute to efficient development of the system of state regulation of organic productions taking into account new economic conditions.
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*** Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the survey on organic agriculture worldwide. 2012. Part 1: Global data and survey background. Available from: yearbook/2012/fibl-ifoam-survey-data-2010-global-data.pdf
[2] Fukuoka, M. 2004. The one-straw revolution. India: Other India press.
[3] Howard, A. 1943. An Agricultural Testament. New York and London: Oxford University Press.
[4] Northbourne, L. 1940. Look to the Land. London: Dent.
[5] Gorchakov, Ya.V. 2004. Tendencies of Development and Market Aspects of Global Organic Farming. Barnaul: Az Buka.
[6] Peshkova, A. V. 2013. Efficiency of Organic Agriculture Production (Candidate dissertation). Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University. Available from:
[7] Polushkina, T.M., and Panchina, Yu.S. 2015. From Organic Agriculture to “Green Economy”. Available from:
[8] Sazhneva, S.V. 2013. Green Economy: Perspectives in Terms of Stable Development of Russia. Kant: Economics and Managemen, 1: 70-73.
[9] Ushachev, I.G. 2013. Food Safety of Russia within Global Partnership. Moscow: Publishing House of IE
[10] Nasirddinov, V.V., Kharitonov, S.A. 2013. Organizational and Economic Aspects of Developing Organic Agriculture in Russia. Moscow. Available at: Haritonov.pdf
*** Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide. 2015. Part 1: Global data and survey background. Available from:
*** Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the survey on organic agriculture worldwide. 2012. Part 1: Global data and survey background. Available from: yearbook/2012/fibl-ifoam-survey-data-2010-global-data.pdf
How to Cite
POLUSHKINA, Tatyana Mihailovna; AKIMOVA, Yulia Alekseevna; KOCHETKOVA, Svetlana Andreevna.
State Regulation of Organic Agriculture Development.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. 429-438, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
state; regulation; agriculture; organic farming; organic agriculture
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