International Legal Status of the Arctic
The research explores the legal status of the Arctic. The article presents an analysis of legislations of different countries that have claimed Arctic territories and territories of the continental shelf as theirs (Russia, Canada, USA, Denmark, and Norway). The article also analyses international agreements aimed at settlement of the disputes over the Arctic. The interest in the Arctic appeared only in the twentieth century. That interest primarily relates to the large amounts of resources in the depths of the Arctic. Thus, the issue of legally-based ownership of the Arctic territories and their belonging to any country is a contemporary issue.References
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*** Arctic offshore oil and gas guidelines 2009. The protection of the arctic marine environment working group website. Available at: Gas/Arctic-Guide lines-2009-13th-Mar2009.pdf
*** Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council. 1996. Website concerning the Arctic. Available at:
*** Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee “On the declaration of the lands and islands in the Arctic Ocean as the USSR territory” (1926), electronic stock of the law and the normative-technical documentation. Available at:
*** Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet “On the continental shelf of the USSR” (1968). website of the Russian legislation. Available at:
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*** The Act of the USSR “On the state border of the USSR” 1982. In the Consultant Plus, online legislative database. Available at:;base=ESU;n=1534
*** The Ilulissat Declaration 2008. Norway Government website. Available at: globalassets/upload/ud/080525_arctic_ocean_conference-_outcome.pdf
*** The UN Commission included an enclave in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian continental shelf (2014, March 14), United Nations website. Available at: =21305#.VpjdR09Piyc
*** Treaty concerning the Cession of the Russian Possessions in North America by His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russians to the United States of America. 1867. Library of Congress website. Available at:
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*** University of British Columbia. 2002. The Canadian Yearbook of International Law.Volume 39. Vancouver: UBC Press.
[2] Fitzmaurice, M., and Elias, O. 2005. Contemporary Issues in the Law of Treaties. Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing.
[3] Jensen, L.C., and Honneland, G. 2015. Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic. DOI: 10.4337/9780857934741
[4] Lunde, L. et al. 2015. Asian Countries and the Arctic Future. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd.
[5] Palamar, N. G. 2009. On the question of the establishment of the state border of the Russian Federation. Electronic Journal Knowledge. Understanding. Skill, 6. Available at: 2009/6/Palamar_Frontier/
[6] Rosamond, A. B. 2011. Perspectives on security in the Arctic area. Copenhagen: Vesterkopi AS.
[7] Shergina, N. 2006. Whose foot is on the pole? Ogonyek, 39: 25-28.
[8] Sycheva, V. 2008. Arctic pie will be shared by the codes of the underworld”. The Results, 42(592). Available at:
[9] Zonn, I.S., and Zhiltsov, S.S. 2009. Oil matrix of the North. Electronic Journal of the Energy Service Company. Ecological Systems, 2. Available at:
*** Arctic declaration denounced as territorial “carve up” 2009. The Guardian website. Available at:
*** Arctic offshore oil and gas guidelines 2009. The protection of the arctic marine environment working group website. Available at: Gas/Arctic-Guide lines-2009-13th-Mar2009.pdf
*** Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council. 1996. Website concerning the Arctic. Available at:
*** Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee “On the declaration of the lands and islands in the Arctic Ocean as the USSR territory” (1926), electronic stock of the law and the normative-technical documentation. Available at:
*** Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet “On the continental shelf of the USSR” (1968). website of the Russian legislation. Available at:
*** Russia will draw border in the Arctic. 2008. In Russian Observer, online newspaper. Available at:
*** The Act of the USSR “On the state border of the USSR” 1982. In the Consultant Plus, online legislative database. Available at:;base=ESU;n=1534
*** The Ilulissat Declaration 2008. Norway Government website. Available at: globalassets/upload/ud/080525_arctic_ocean_conference-_outcome.pdf
*** The UN Commission included an enclave in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian continental shelf (2014, March 14), United Nations website. Available at: =21305#.VpjdR09Piyc
*** Treaty concerning the Cession of the Russian Possessions in North America by His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russians to the United States of America. 1867. Library of Congress website. Available at:
*** United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. United Nations website, Available at:
*** University of British Columbia. 2002. The Canadian Yearbook of International Law.Volume 39. Vancouver: UBC Press.
How to Cite
KUZNETCOV, Aleksandr Vasilyevich.
International Legal Status of the Arctic.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. 393-398, nov. 2016.
ISSN 2068-7729.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
The Arctic; continental shelf; international legal status; national legislation; international agreements; sector theory; disputes
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