Ecological Thinking and Certification of Hotel Service Providers in Slovakia

  • Gejza Mikuláš TIMČÁK VSB, Technical University Ostrava
  • Jana JABLONSKÁ Department of Geo and Mining Tourism, Technical University of Kosice
  • Ladislav MIXTAJ Department of Geo and Mining Tourism, Technical University of Kosice
  • Ľubomír ŠTRBA Department of Geo and Mining Tourism, Technical University of Kosice
  • Ján DERCO Department of Geo and Mining Tourism, Technical University of Kosice
  • Erik WEISS Department of Geo and Mining Tourism, Technical University of Kosice


One of the major areas, where sustainability is a very important issue is the hotel industry. Presently
there are a number of projects – some spearheaded by NGOs, some by professional or governmental bodies
– which audit hotels and lodging providers from the point of view of sustainability and “green” performance.
The paper analyses the approach of the hotel industry, as well as clients to “greening”. The perception of ecofriendliness
varies, however from culture to culture. The paper analyses the case of environmental awareness
of hospitality service providers 3 and 4 star hotels and their attitude towards “green” performance in one of the
emerging tourism destinations - Slovakia.


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How to Cite
TIMČÁK, Gejza Mikuláš et al. Ecological Thinking and Certification of Hotel Service Providers in Slovakia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 321-326, nov. 2016. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 feb. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism


hospitality; greening; ecological awareness; eco-labelling; Slovakia