Residents’ Perception of Enviromental Impacts of Tourism Recretional Activities in Protected Area

  • Ravi SHARMA Symbiosis Institute of International Business Symbiosis International University, Hinjawadi, Pune, Maharashtra
  • Sushil CHAURASIA Symbiosis Institute of International Business Symbiosis International University, Hinjawadi, Pune, Maharashtra
  • A.K. BHATTACHARYA National Green Highways Mission6 NHAI, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways


This paper aims to investigate the local perceptions of environmental impacts generated due to tourism
activities. The data was collected through a pre-tested survey instrument for the impact indicators. Analysis of
variance pairwise comparison test was used to analyze any significance difference among the respondents’
perception towards selected parameter of tourism impact based on location. The results indicate that the local
communities have strong perceptions of the negative economic impacts of tourism although it is also
represented that it is perceived in a speculative way by those who do not have direct contact with the tourism


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How to Cite
SHARMA, Ravi; CHAURASIA, Sushil; BHATTACHARYA, A.K.. Residents’ Perception of Enviromental Impacts of Tourism Recretional Activities in Protected Area. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 238-249, nov. 2016. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism


perception; environmental impact; tourism; residents’; impact category