Forest policy priorities: Forest Management Comparative Analysis (Russia, Canada, Brazil and USA)

  • Svetlana Sergeevna NOSOVA National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
  • Rafael Envarovich ABDULOV National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
  • Yulia Mihailovna MEDVEDEVA National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
  • Dmitry Valentinovich SHIRYAEV Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering
  • Nadezhda Alekseevna KAMENSKIKH State University of Humanities and Technology, Orekhovo-Zuyevo


This article studies current forest management system in Russia and identifies forest policy priority areas which
can make forestry sector more effective. The author puts forward a new method of quantitative effectiveness
assessment for forest management comparing the Russian forestry to the other forest-rich countries (Canada, Brazil and
the USA). The national forestry sector growth has been nurtured by the world largest forest reserves. Production forest
land in Russia is 22.7 times and 4.5 times larger than Canada or the USA respectively. Having the largest forest land
areas with management plan Russia however lags behind Canada in sustainable forest management which is the global
leader in forest certification. The research outcomes show that Russia has not made yet full use of its economic
capacities in forestry sector. Compared to the other world’s forest-richest countries, forestry sector in Russia remains
economically low effective. More rational distribution of powers between federal, regional and community levels as well
as transition to the intensive model of use of national resources may contribute to more effective and competitive forestry
sector of the Russian economy. To make Russian business more competitive on the export markets we need to promote
and facilitate facultative certification by granting fiscal benefits, i.e. tariff and tax facilitations, to certified companies.


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How to Cite
NOSOVA, Svetlana Sergeevna et al. Forest policy priorities: Forest Management Comparative Analysis (Russia, Canada, Brazil and USA). Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 216-223, nov. 2016. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 feb. 2025.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism


forest management; forestry; forest resources; reforestation; forest policy