Recommendation for the Use of Regional Tourist Resources by the Example of the Resort City of Sochi, Russia

  • Valentina KATAEVA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana FOMICHEVA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Julia SULYAGINA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Julia KUVSHINOVA Russian New University, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana EVSTRATOVA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Gennady MOSKVITIN Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Russian Federation


Issues related to the measures aimed to improve the competitiveness of tourist destinations have currently become most urgent. The number of competing tourist destinations in Russia and worldwide is on the rise, leading to tough competition among market participants that feel necessary to improve the efficiency of management in the tourism industry. Tourism development in the regions can be considered as a factor of regional socio-economic development. The research contains recommendations on the management of tourist resources, and measures aimed to enhance the region’s tourist attractiveness by the example of the resort city of Sochi.


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How to Cite
KATAEVA, Valentina et al. Recommendation for the Use of Regional Tourist Resources by the Example of the Resort City of Sochi, Russia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 244-251, may 2019. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi: