Determinants of Establishing a Tourist Environment Towards Distinctive Entrepreneurship on Pedicab Transportation

  • Mangasa PANJAITAN University of Methodist Indonesia


The purpose of this research was Determinants of Establishing a Tourist Environment towards Distinctive Entrepreneurship on Pedicab Transportation. The Purpose of this research is knowing Determinants of Establishing a Tourist Environment towards Distinctive Entrepreneurship on Pedicab Transportation. It was motorcycles who produced from BSA of United Kingdom-made 350-500 cc.  The problem is the tendency of lost their potential customers because of the competition with the online transportation that it grown rapidly.  A sample of 97 respondents from the people was considered for this research. Limeshow sampling technique was used to select customers were purposively sampled.  The study concluded that psychological factors have a positive effect but not significant (motivated, perception) and attitude and behavior have significant, in other hand learning has a negative effect on consumer’s decision in Pedicab Transportation.


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How to Cite
PANJAITAN, Mangasa. Determinants of Establishing a Tourist Environment Towards Distinctive Entrepreneurship on Pedicab Transportation. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 1778-1781, apr. 2019. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: