Improving the Agricultural Land Use System in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Aizhan Naskenovna ZHILDIKBAEVA Kazakh National Agrarian University Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Alla Ivanovna SABIROVA Kazakh Research Institute of AIC Economy and Rural Development Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Toleubek PENTAEV Kazakh National Agrarian University Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Ardak Dikhanbaevna OMARBEKOVA Kazakh National Agrarian University Republic of Kazakhstan


The article describes the analysis of the actual state and the determination of the agricultural land use effectiveness; the land use sizes are graded by type of farmland, arable land, including irrigated one, hayfields and arable pastures for the subsequent ranking by specialization in terms of natural economic zones and areas. The necessity of improving the land relations’ system of agricultural entities in order to optimize their activities for the future has been considered. The need for achieving the optimal size of land in the growth of agricultural business profitability has been substantiated. The studies have shown that the analysis of the land use cost-effectiveness should be easy-to-use to any business entity. The assessment of the occupied area of a large farm in the region has been provided, reflecting the extent of land coverage by a single farm. This is directly related to the establishment of the optimum size of agricultural entities within the same district.


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How to Cite
ZHILDIKBAEVA, Aizhan Naskenovna et al. Improving the Agricultural Land Use System in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. 1585-1592, mar. 2019. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: