Sports and Recreational Tourism of Koprivnica Krizevci County in Republic of Croatia

  • Ivan HEGEDUŠ Međimurje Polytechnik of Čakovec, Croatia
  • Martina GREGORIC Euro Saturnus Ltd, Croatia
  • Tatiana V. SKRYL Plekhanov University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Anton V. ROMANYUK Plekhanov University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Elena A. GUREEVA Plekhanov University of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Today many experts consider tourism a complex phenomenon, and it is very frequent and a constant object of research. Almost everywhere in the world there is an area that is daily visited by tourists. Trends and society are changing, but the motives of travel remain the same. There is an increasing imperative set to sport and recreation on your vacation precisely because of the hectic everyday lifestyle. Even more nowadays tourism wants to encourage tourists to the do sports activities, including many other facilities in the surroundings of the selected destinations. Sports and recreational tourism in the present time is developing more, and actually in Croatia it is one of the special forms of tourism which has a high tendency to increase. Given the distinct diversity of climates in certain tourist areas, sport and tourism in Croatia is the most attached to coastal areas and very pronounced seasonality. Such a situation brings with it the advantages, but also the shortcomings, which are more obvious in the mass character of the tourist demand. Each of the specific forms of tourism, sports and recreation, has brought a certain damage, and all because of poor organization and an extremely high concentration of tourists on small areas. Koprivnica-Križevci County abounds with sports and recreational facilities which are already used or yet to be discovered. With extremely good transport links in the area of Koprivnica-Križevci County there are many mountains and beautiful rivers and forests. In a sea of greenery, it is possible to enjoy the beautiful bike ride along the famous routes along the Drava River or Bilogora, go hiking on the 28 April, or simply stroll through the trim-paths. With a good organization, incorporation and the work of professional service it is possible to bring sports and recreational offer of the County to a higher level.


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***Koprivnica Tourist Board, Available at: (accesed on 20.10.2017)
How to Cite
HEGEDUŠ, Ivan et al. Sports and Recreational Tourism of Koprivnica Krizevci County in Republic of Croatia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 8, p. 1595-1603, dec. 2017. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: