Sociological Analysis of Domestic Tourism in the Chuvash Republic

  • Olga URZHA Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
  • Nikolay MIKHOPAROV Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
  • Elena KRYUKOVA Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
  • Valentina SHALASHNIKOVA Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
  • Yuliya SULYAGINA Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia


The tourism industry acquires special significance in the modern world economy. A growing number of countries become "active participants" in the development of world tourism; in many countries, the share of the tourism industry in the country's economy has increased significantly, which in turn increases the share of the tourism economy in the modern world economy. In this connection, the interest to the tourism development is obvious. It seems to be of high relevance to study, in particular, the domestic tourism, from the perspective of maintaining and developing the regional economies. The relevant problems of domestic tourism in the Chuvash Republic are reflected herein based on the scientific study. The necessity of manifestation in modern conditions of an active regional policy in the tourist industry by the state and municipal authorities of Chuvashia is substantiated. The recommendations for enhancement of the efficiency of actions in the field of tourism taken by the regional authorities, aimed at improving the level of competitiveness of the republican tourist product in the domestic and international tourist markets, are proposed.


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How to Cite
URZHA, Olga et al. Sociological Analysis of Domestic Tourism in the Chuvash Republic. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 8, p. 1504-1516, dec. 2017. ISSN 2068-7729. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: