• Antonio FORTE Centro Europa Ricerche, Italy


In this study I compare the credit condition with the economic growth in Italy from January 2007 onward. Starting from the literature on the creditless recovery, I highlight the specific features of the Italian situation in which, notwithstanding the prolonged and deep economic crisis, the credit has persistently continued to grow. A comparison with the German case confirms the peculiar characteristics of the Italian condition. An econometric study supports this idea and, in order to depict this Italian economic situation, I propose a new expression: the recovery-less credit growth.


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How to Cite
FORTE, Antonio. ITALY AFTER THE CRISIS: A CASE OF RECOVERYLESS CREDIT GROWTH. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 132-140, dec. 2011. ISSN 2068-7710. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 sep. 2024.