General Considerations Regarding the Scientific Research

  • Daniela STĂNCIULESCU Spiru Haret University, Romania Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Craiova
  • Sorin STĂNCIULESCU Spiru Haret University, Romania Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Craiova


Scientific research is firstly a rational process that allows us to examine the phenomena or issues that we have to resolve and obtain precise answers stating from investigations. This process can be defined as systematic, rigorous and it leads to the acquisition of new knowledge. We may define scientific research as a systematic process through which observable and verifiable data is gathered starting from empiric models. Research is an important source of orientations offered towards the resolution of different business, governmental and social issues.


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How to Cite
STĂNCIULESCU, Daniela; STĂNCIULESCU, Sorin. General Considerations Regarding the Scientific Research. Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 10, p. 22-27, feb. 2018. ISSN 2068-8407. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.